The Left Knows No Shame – IOTW Report

The Left Knows No Shame

Medical Records: Then and Now


ht/ chabanais

Fashion Statements: Then and Now


ht/ hezzospike

13 Comments on The Left Knows No Shame

  1. Elizabeth Wellington seems to make her living commenting on the fashion styles appropriate to political figures.

    I’d just cut my own throat relegated to an existence like that.

  2. Democrats actually take pride in being two faced lying cunts who sway opinions using hypocritical bullshit like this. They do it all the time. They know they’re doing it. And they consider it a legitimate part of their jobs to do it.

  3. It’s the liberal disconnect. Even a dog looks guilty when it tears your shit up and then sits in the middle of the mess when you walk in the door.

    Liberals? Uh uh. They tear your shit up then take your tore up shit and use it to praise some one they like. Hillary’s walking around wearing the media’s tore up Republican shit.

    Liberals. Can’t live with ’em and would love to try living without ’em.

  4. Lefty Media trying to obfuscate the bad facts about da Clinton Cartel aka Foundation and Cankles’ treason, by worrying and discussing what tent by Omar she is ballooning around her fat ass at the moment. Fcuk you Lefty Media.

  5. @TSUNAMI:

    There is a scientific basis behind which colors are flattering to a person’s natural coloring. Interestingly, orange is a great color for Hillary’s warm complexion and blonde hair.

    Melania looked smashing in that white dress. That’s what happens when you have a hot bod. Hillary, for her part, looked like the world’s biggest marshmallow in that stupid pantsuit. White makes her ass look as wide as the Transcontinental Railroad was long. That’s why I call her Fatty Pantsuit.

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