Trump Is Toast – Picture Emerges of Him Grabbing a Pu$$y – IOTW Report

Trump Is Toast – Picture Emerges of Him Grabbing a Pu$$y

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36 Comments on Trump Is Toast – Picture Emerges of Him Grabbing a Pu$$y

  1. Ask yourself honestly, have you ever grabbed a girl by the pussy? I’d think not. I have though seen girls grab men by the twigs and berries and that was OK. So it must indeed have been a metaphor eh?

  2. “The Loony Leftists” just reloaded their cannon to blast Trump again. Never mind the fact of Bill and Hill both grabbing for the honey pots. It is not about the saving of our nation and Constitution, its about offending the ears of these snow flowers who I wonder if they scream “F**K me in the P***Y every time they get laid? Really. And I am stressing females and female wannabes. So Trump, keep your lips sealed about this shit going forward. Hillary will be laying in wait for you Tuesday. I hope you are prepared, bro.

  3. Mr. Trump:

    No doubt this will come up during tomorrow’s debate. If I may, I would like to make the following suggestion. When Hillary brings it up, do this:

    Mention something that was revealed in this week’s Wikileaks dump, followed by “If the voters haven’t heard about this, it’s because you and your friends in the media have distracted the electorate with meaningless locker room banter from over a decade ago.”

  4. “Ask yourself honestly, have you ever grabbed a girl by the pussy?”

    You’ve, obviously, never practiced the “bowling grip”. Granted, it involves one more orifice.

    Not every woman appreciates it. Some do.

  5. Expect a new ‘revelation’ like this every other day until November 8.

    Remember the good old days when teddy Kennedy grabbed Mary jo koepkne by the pussy and put her in his Oldsmobile?

  6. We’re gonna grab the world by the pussy! We’re gonna grab China’s pussy! We’re gonna grab Mexico’s pussy! We’re gonna grab Russia’s pussy! You’re going to be so tired of pussy, you’re going to beg me. You’re going to say, “please, Mr. Trump! we can’t handle it. we’re tired of pussy”. But we’re gonna keep winning, and grabbing, and the world is gonna just let us grab her by the pussy, and we’re gonna GET AMERICA LAID AGAIN!!!!

    GO TRUMP!!

    GALA 2016

  7. Every man in the country is guilty of crude talk at least on rare occasions with very few exceptions. I don’t think the pearl clutching is gonna sell. Just another panic attack from the left.

  8. Trump has Richard Pryor and redd fox albums in his personal collection!! He actually attended a performance of Rodney dangerfield. He laughed. Which disqualifies him.

    Plus he hates the smell of fish which makes him a misogynist.

    Trump should open the debate asking why seagulls are circling her convoy.

  9. Some people are going to go mental if you say that Jesus was a prophet, but not the messiah. Some people who can survive that psychic assault will start flinging their poop if you say that Muhammad was a prophet, but not the final prophet. Different triggers for different folks. I get that. I do.

    Donald Trump has been revealed to use words to describe half of Americans that some Americans insist they should be deeply offended by (perhaps less than half, if he’s only speaking about attractive women). Hillary Clinton has been revealed to use words to describe half of Americans that they should be deeply offended by (perhaps less than half, as their existence offends her, but not all of them may be offended by her offense). Different triggers for different folks. I get that. I do.

    What I don’t get is why American news peddlers have spent days flinging their poop repeating that some people think that many people should be offended by Donald Trump’s sexist style of speech, while Hillary Clinton’s supremacist style of speech continues to be aggressively ignored. I don’t get that. I don’t.

  10. Lazlo has worked the trades all his life.
    What he said pales next to what I’ve heard on the jobsite.
    However, back in the eighties Lazlo earned some extra dough driving a school bus.
    Hands down, far and away, the worst language I have ever heard in my life came out of a busload of seventeen year old cheerleaders.

  11. Women spend millions of dollars on books that have salacious scenes in them. But learning that men may talk like men, when in the company of other men, is supposed to be offensive?

    Give this old broad a fucking break.

  12. Does anybody realize how dirty the average woman talks these days? My wife recently quit a job because the women were so raunchy in their language. This was the accounting department at a large property management firm.

  13. The fraud know as Trump is done !!

    He is a failed biz man on all fronts – has bankrupted 6 companies
    He is another chickenshit like Nugent and Cheney
    His Foundation hit with a Cease / Desist Order
    He made less than $500,000 last year
    He has not paid taxes in nearly two decades


  14. The folks who would change their vote over a conversation by man to man talk thought to be private are most likely protected women and de-neutered males like hypocritical pussys McCain and ryan to name two. Hypocrites all. Sure support espionage but condemn private gutter talk caught unawares. Bullshit politics.

  15. Memo to all News Managing Editors
    From Programming and Sales Depts.
    Stop with the Trump lewd remark story before we have to pull all our Prime Time Sit-Coms, and have no programming to sell for the rest of the week.

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