Uh… Fox News Calls NH for Trump, with Vote Totals and Percentages – IOTW Report

Uh… Fox News Calls NH for Trump, with Vote Totals and Percentages

I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but Fox News has not only called New Hampshire for Donald Trump, but they’ve included vote totals for each of the candidate and percentages.

Obviously the votes haven’t been cast this early and the counting begins in 11 hours. Explain this:
Fox NH Results Early

27 Comments on Uh… Fox News Calls NH for Trump, with Vote Totals and Percentages

  1. I don’t think this is about Trump. It’s about Kasich, and the “shocking upset” he will have pulled off when he “turns the pollsters on their heads” and comes in 2nd or 3rd. Or even 1st, if you believe some of the wish-casting out there.

    Everything I have seen has been touting Kasich to do very well in NH. I think Fox is arcing out some Stray Voltage and lowering expectations in case the Kasich momentum turns out to be just hype.

  2. Most likely this is another example of the typical technical incompetence of the “news” media these days.
    They probably had a test run of their system with some phony numbers (probably from one of the polls) and when they put the screen up forgot to clear the numbers. (which apparently they’ve now done).
    Otherwise it’s likely an attempt to get Trump, by scaring the people who support the other candidates “Trump’s winning you’d better get out there and vote” while also discouraging Trump’s supporters “Trump’s got it won, no reason for you to bother to vote”

  3. Seeing them back-to-back, it’s hard to decide which is the circus that mocks the intelligence of The People more:
    the Stupid Bowl, or a Presidential Election?

    They are both fraudulent and raucous; and the outcome predetermined in order to maximize the ‘haul’.
    Everything American that involves big money is fraught with deceit and corralling of opinion (polls, advertising, dog & pony shows…)

  4. Obviously that’s a photoshop! One of those “Republican candidates” is a woman, and that last one isn’t even White!!! Surely that graphic was created by The People’s Onion or that big Fir Hut guy!

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