Yeb Bush’s New Video Takes Trump Out of Context in the Most “Progressive” Way – IOTW Report

Yeb Bush’s New Video Takes Trump Out of Context in the Most “Progressive” Way

What a douche Bush is. He pulls a maneuver that the left loves to employ, the “half-sentence.”

In his latest campaign video, titled “Bright”  he has a clip of Trump saying, “The American dream is dead,” painting him as a dark, sinister pessimist.

But in Trump’s announcement speech he said, “the American dream is dead, but I will bring it back.” The polar opposite of pessimistic.


Also, Bush uses file footage from England to describe his “American” dream. Not so “bright.”Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 8.10.38 AM

16 Comments on Yeb Bush’s New Video Takes Trump Out of Context in the Most “Progressive” Way

  1. I noticed the only Bush Bedwetter dropped the “!” from “Jeb” in that ad.

    It took too much energy for people to get excited about him yelling “Jeb!” so now they mumble under their collective establishment breaths, “Jeb. Jeb. Jeb. Jeb. Jeb. Jeb…”

  2. Trump’s televised speeches have been watched by millions of determined voters. He has repeatedly, specifically pointed out how the dishonest media has taken the partial, “The American Dream is dead…” phrase out of context. Then Jeb’s brain trust comes up with this? You can bet Trump’s team has something in the can just waiting.

    Jeb says, “If we get a few big things right.” Care to provide some specifics son?

  3. The establishment within the Washington State Republican Party as all about running a whole herd of this brand of low bred trash for every Statewide office. I really don’t even pay attention to them any longer other than to support whatever candidate is running against their punk in the primaries.

    They have no new ideas and bring nothing except progressivism, but under an eRepublican to the table.

    I will simply not even consider voting for another eRepublican and this Jeb and his antics helps me to solidify my resolve on that determination.

  4. Do you really think that the tards coming out of our schools of Poli Sci, who make these videos, make them any differently whether they have an R or a D after their name? If a tard could comprehend more than a half sentence at a time, the tard wouldn’t be a tard, and would have strived for something more productive than Poli Sci.

  5. I like the add. The new video gives me the validation I needed with my opinion that Jeb Bush is done. Even he must be realizing the fact that he has been conquered by the truth. He apparently didn’t see the sign: “Progressives need not apply.”

    Trump may not be the perfect person, but he has my vote. Let us Make America Great Again!

  6. Sundance over at Convervative Treehouse said it best: Politics is the BIGGEST business there is – in the US and internationally.

    There is more money targeted at keeping them in power via the wealthy elite enablers – that we can image.

    Yes, the politicians themselves are stupid and their “advisers” are burger flipping quality but the money and might behind them should not be underestimated.

    If Yeb can’t win, watch them build up and back a democrat. They will never bow to popular selection and support Trump.

  7. Yeb’s intellect Is on par with Joe Biden’s. He’s an establishment puppet, and the establishment is comprised of treasonous pukes who have helped destroy our country. A pox on them all. I’ll never give a penny to the RNC. They’re nothing but lying, backstabbing pricks.

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