*月亮的陰暗面: The Dark Side of The Moon – IOTW Report

*月亮的陰暗面: The Dark Side of The Moon

China has launched its moon mission to place a lander and rover on the side that faces away from this planet. Besides collecting samples, they will also study radio astronomy away from earthbound interference. More

I just wonder how they are going to communicate with their mission seeing as how the moon itself is going to block signals from Earth.


11 Comments on *月亮的陰暗面: The Dark Side of The Moon

  1. “I just wonder how they are going to communicate with their mission seeing as how the moon itself is going to block signals from Earth.”

    They’re called relay satellites.

  2. Will they be trying to figure out how to cook & eat the Aliens that live on that side of the moon?

    You have heard the story about the alien flying saucer that landed on earth haven’t you?

    First it landing at a small village in India. The village elders were summoned to consult the ancient sacred text to determine how they should be worshipped. Next it landed near a small village in China. The village elders were summonded to consult ancient sacred text to determine how they should be cooked and served.

    Next it landed near a city in America. Half the population told them to go home and not to return until they had proper legal immigration papers. The other half of the population dressed in black and face masks. Rioted, attacked anyone not dressed like them, and demanded the aliens be given free apartments, free college tuition, a monthly welfare check, free medical coverage, and an EBT card.


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