0-calorie sugar substitutes linked to weight gain, health problems – IOTW Report

0-calorie sugar substitutes linked to weight gain, health problems


If zero-calorie sweeteners sound too good to be true, they just might be.

A growing body of evidence links non-nutritive sweeteners to weight gain and other negative health effects, as scientists evaluate the long-term impact of routine consumption of zero-calorie sugar substitutes.

Several health-focused groups have recommended non-nutritive sweeteners — such as aspartame, sucralose or stevioside — as guilt-free substitutes for sugar to help limit calories, aid weight loss and manage diabetes.

But a study published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that long-term consumption of these sweeteners may contribute to modest weight gain, increased waist circumference, higher incidences of obesity and metabolic syndrome — a variety of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. READ MORE

35 Comments on 0-calorie sugar substitutes linked to weight gain, health problems

  1. Fake food or fake news, it’s all bad for you. I eat what I want, when I want and never eat substitutes. The trick is not eating too much of the same thing, just stop eating.

  2. “Linked”. If you’re getting a bit overweight and you switch to diet soft drinks, the study will find a link between overweight people and diet soft drinks.

  3. ☀️ How about this? ☀️

    DRINK WATER! Every time you are thirsty, people reach for a sweetened beverage. When the waitress asks what do you want to drink, just say WATER.

    Have you TRIED to eat a meal with just water? The food actually tastes like food instead of coke-steak and coke-fries and coke-salad.

    Wake up after 9 hours of sleep, people guzzle a hot sugar caffeine drink directly into an empty stomach. Bleech, SHOCK!

  4. the fake sweeteners confuses your body/system. It tastes the sweet so is preparing to digest sugar. Releases sugar eating enzymes(?), no sugar comes, body disposes the enzymes. It messes with the system.

    I dont drink the stuff.

  5. I gave up artificial sweeteners years ago. Good move and I’ve never regretted it.

    They’re just a habit. Easy to drop. I don’t miss sweeteners.

    Now when I have the infrequent diet cola I’m aware of how weirdly artificial it tastes. And a weird aftertaste.

  6. Only way this can be true is if fake sweeteners fool the body into releasing insulin as it would in expectation of carbohydrates…but if there’s nothing caloric to even burn/store as fat, I’m still not seeing how this could lead to weight gain.

  7. Diet:

    Breakfast – 2 diet Hanson’s Black Cherry sodas, each mixed with 1/2 of a bottle of 5-hour energy drink.

    Mid-Morning – Go poop.

    Lunch – CVS Diet Cranberry Juice with Peanuts or peanut butter until full.

    Afternoon Snack – Lunch.

    Dinner – Salad’n’Protein.

    Evening Snack – Lunch.

    Rinse and repeat.

  8. It’s “Dieter’s Math”.
    Having a Diet Coke means you can order the extra super sized double battered Fries with dipping sauce.
    Having TWO diet cokes means you can have a half gallon of Rocky Road in front of the Oprah Channel.

  9. I’m living proof aspartame caused me hideous headaches. Kicked artificial sweeteners near two decades ago.

    Never had another soda artificially sweetened nor sugar sweetened. The only thing I sometimes miss is Dr. Pepper, but I’ve tried a couple of sips of DH’s over that time period, and any soda is now nauseatingly sweet to me.

  10. I have no choice. I’m IDDM. I drink lots of water everyday, but that gets boring and sometimes I drink a diet whatever. The flavor sucks, but, water is boring as hell otherwise. I do find that a lot of products put artificial sweeteners in stuff that shouldn’t have any in it.
    That’s just so they can cheap out on ‘real’ ingredients.
    Oh, and if I may ask a favor of the manufacturers: STOP PUTTING COCONUT AND ALOE VERA IN EVERY FUCKING THING!!! Thanks.

  11. La Croix or Deer Park flavored (but unsweetened) seltzers from are cheap and pretty good when plain water won’t do.

    I’ve been doing the banana and milk/buttermilk diet the past few days. THAT will keep you filled up. Two meals of that combo, plain yogurt w/ a little granola for snack, and one meal of whatever I want. Haven’t weighed myself yet but I’m it’s got me right at 1600 calories a day and I’m not feeling deprived, along with exercising some.

  12. I too am sick of water, but it’s summer time so I broke out the Kool-Aid (Black Cherry) Put very little sugar in it.
    Bet it’d be pretty in a nice wine glass!

  13. MJA, I flavor my ice water or cold tea with a product called True Lime, True Lemon, or my favorite in hot tea, is True Orange (Orange Ginger).

    It comes in individual packets you can carry in your purse or in shaker bottles that I use. Shaker bottles are cheaper to use. Unfortunately I have to get them via Amazon because the local stores only carry the lemon packets.

    All crystallized real and zero sugars.

  14. There was a recent paper claiming Splenda acts as a messaging signal in fat cells in a similar way to insulin. Basicly tells them to admit glucose and store it.

    I put sweet & low in my coffee. Saccharin is proven to cause cancer in lab mice, and was studied so much, it’s pretty much proven to not cause cancer in humans. All the others I don’t trust.

  15. I stopped drinking soft drinks last fall. I had a few cans in the fridge and have the very last one on ice sitting before me right now. I got it when I read this post!!!

    I really don’t miss it, but then I love ice cold water. When we got a new fridge, I demanded the ice/water thingy in the door with a filter. I use it every day.

    I also like tonic water. Have that a few times a week. My roommate is a dietician and had read that it helps people with restless leg syndrome. I think it helps a little.

  16. There is always a Liberal to tell everyone what to eat, drink, smoke or think. I say let people do what they want as long as it doesn’t affect the rest of us.
    I do believe the news room has a spinning wheel of “Things that are bad for you.” and
    “Things that are good for you”. Every month one of the offenders spins off the wheel and becomes news fed to the masses.
    The key to the article is “Several Health Focused Groups”. These are people with their nose in our business again.

  17. Back in the 70s I learned to drink 8 glasses of water a day. First thing in the morning, to flush out toxins that built up during the night, last thing at night to help keep your organs hydrated.

    Have berated my almost 88 year old mom for years about her diet soda habit and lack of water. Last year she gave up diet soda and started drinking more water. She has lost almost 60 pounds.

  18. Warm lemon water in the morning with a splash of honey,
    then a glass of ice water. That kick starts the day. A second glass to get things moving. Then a couple eggs dragged thru the garden, followed up with more water, a piece of fruit and a 5 mile dog walk. Then it’s 7am, time for a healthy shit and a shower. Vodka for the rest of the day.

  19. You know, I still enjoy a couple of bottles of A&W Rootbeer, or Orange Crush a week. Brings back my childhood and you can’t beat the flavor of the two.
    Other than that, we don’t drink soda in our house, just green tea.

  20. It’s not the diet drink, it’s the triple quarter pounder with extra-large fries that they order; the diet drink is the 50 calorie concession they make for the extra 3000 calories in a single meal.

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