0bama made a dick joke at DNC – IOTW Report

0bama made a dick joke at DNC

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17 Comments on 0bama made a dick joke at DNC

  1. What an a-hole he is. Time has not diluted his ability to spew forth toxic ideology and misogyny!!!

    America needs to put him out to pasture where he truly only is “Bathhouse Barry Butt bandit.”

  2. general malaise
    Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 11:57 at 11:57 am
    “^ Kamala Harris disagrees. She knows a dick or two because she’s eaten a dick or two”

    …true, but Barkey HAS one (allegedly), IS one, AND takes MORE than one, INCLUDING from the gorilla he’s “married” to.

    …I think he wins the dick measuring (quantity) contest on “both sides” experience alone, plus I think he was FAR more prolific than even Kamel, as he wasnt going to the bathhouses ONLY when it advanced his career…

  3. Remember the big deal the media made out of Trump making locker room jokes?
    They think this one is funny because their favorite fag said it.
    People on X were quick to point out the difference in which one is married to the model.

  4. Just when you thought that the black shit stain had been flushed, up it pops to the top of the toilet bowl with the rest of the crap known as Washington DC.


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