0bama won’t let you pull the plug on 0bamaCare – IOTW Report

0bama won’t let you pull the plug on 0bamaCare


‘Cheaper Than a Lot of Cell Phone Plans’: Obama Goes to Bat for ObamaCare in ’17.

Ex-President Barack Obama is back in the news on Wednesday after he cut a video for the group Get America Covered, promoting open enrollment for ObamaCare plans.

The one-minute video touts the once-maligned HealthCare.gov, where consumers can sign up for 2018 coverage between Wednesday, November 1, and December 15.  Read more

21 Comments on 0bama won’t let you pull the plug on 0bamaCare

  1. ‘Cheaper Than a Lot of Cell Phone Plans’(yea, probably plans that we tax payers subsidize, you dick)…..it’s like an h&r block commercial; reason(lie) #four thousand nine hundred ninety two to despise that m*%therF**Ker.

  2. HHmm the cheapest plan I can find for my husband and I is $1100 a month with a $6500 deductible and only pays 60% of hospital.

    Screw that I ain’t paying it. I’ll just keep paying the penalty and hope I just die instead of needing to be put in the hospital.

  3. They were not comfortable pushing through the repeal because it wasn’t unanimous in committee. If these no good assholes think we are going to wait for 435-0 in the House and 100-0 in the Senate they are out of their minds. I’m just about to start getting pissed off about this!

  4. Someone needs to get the message out that the AHA does not pay for a thing. I had a 41 year old patient come in with burning chest pain, major EKG changes and proven disease via carotid atherosclerosis. The nature of her presentation suggested that I could get a stress test and show what the issue might be. Guess what, Obamacare would not approve the stress test, so went to asking if you could get a cardiac cath, nope. This is just one patient, now that happens 10 times every day and so what is going on is that you can see the doctor, but he can’t do a thing to help you.

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