1 am, and this still seems inappropriate to post – IOTW Report

1 am, and this still seems inappropriate to post

54 Comments on 1 am, and this still seems inappropriate to post

  1. Another fine example of one of Obama’s African American success stories. Gee, dat crazy ass obese Mama sho doan look or act like de nice black folks we be seeing dese days in all dem TV commercials. Another wasted life. Too bad.

  2. refuse/resist
    AUGUST 20, 2021 AT 2:36 AM
    “Those Secret Service agents have a tough job babysitting Big Mike.”

    …not NEARLY hairy enough, and the people at “her” waist level would have been beaten to death by the clubbing with “her” penis, so it definitely isn’t Mooch…

  3. I used to go to a 24 hour Perkins just off a major highway at 3AM.

    This kimd of thing was THEIR every day.

    But I think Waffle House has taken over for them in later days, this would NOT surprise me there, either…

  4. …interestingly enough, she has the EXACT SAME QUALIFICATIONS as Kamala Harris does to be Vice President of the United States, so she’s got THAT goin’ for her…

  5. Bayouwulf
    AUGUST 20, 2021 AT 9:27 AM
    “I’m starting to think that Thanos was on to something.”

    …but it’d be OUR luck that he wouldn’t get the RIGHT half, or rather, the “right” is the half he would get…


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