1 Corinthians 13:13 – IOTW Report

1 Corinthians 13:13

Fox News

Two Kentucky congregations came together for a joint Christmas Eve service in an empty lot between their churches, which were destroyed by deadly tornadoes earlier this month.

Congregations from the First Presbyterian Church and First Christian Church in Mayfield, Kentucky gathered for the Christmas Eve service Friday, coming together to bid farewell to the cherished buildings while still expressing optimism about the future. More

1 Corinthians 13:13

4 Comments on 1 Corinthians 13:13

  1. Agreed, Brown Eyed Girl.

    Here’s an image of a “destroyed” Church in Mayfield, KY from which, undaunted, the Light of the Lord shines forth still…


    …this reminds us that the building is not the Church (Colossians 1:18-29), the faithful in Christ are, and that we do not worship a building but an indomitable Lord (Acts 7:48), and that He shines brightest after even the darkest storms to lead us away from this land where destruction and disease reigns to one where only HE reigns over ALL (Matt.6:19-21)…

    Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for those people who lived through that terrible night with their lives intact, for those whose familes were able to reconcile, and for those who rescued them from the ruins of buildings with Your guidance and Your help. We commend to You those who went to join You that night as well, and beseech that You ease the suffering of those who they left behind in this world and grant them the Blessed Assurance that their loved ones continue still with You, and that You who hold all in His hands hold those departed in peace and safety, and that they may be reunited anon on that Great Getting Up Morning if only they turn to You. Lord, we thank You for Your light in the darkness, and for Your sign here and in many other places that You have not withdrawn Your spirit from the world and that it yet strives with man to bring all home who would recieve You, and that no darkness is permanant and Your light will always shine forth no matter how powerful the storm, for you are more powerful than all. Bind the wounds of the injured and help them in their quest to occupy with rebuilding Your house where Your church may gather once again in praise and thanksgiving to celebrate the birth of the only Hope of Mankind, Your Son Jesus Christ, and to recieve His salvation as a freely gift in this season of giving as the most precious gift of all.

    Lord, we are not worthy but by the Blood of Your Son, but by that Blood we ask You as You command us in Your word to see us through these darkest of times and our own personal struggles with our own familes, that You touch the hearts of each and every one with Your light, and that it shines out to lead us all to the only eternal Truth their is, the Truth of the One True Lord and His church reunited by His Mercy and His Grace forever and ever, amen.

    Revelation 21:4

    ” And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

    God Bless,


  2. The post that I lifted the article was rather ignorant and mean spirited, “Two Christian congregations meet in parking lot to determine who God loves more, ignoring overwhelming recent evidence that God hates both of them.”

    1 Corinthians seemed the proper verse in response.


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