[Update] 1 Dead, More Than 70 Hurt in Hoboken Train Crash – IOTW Report

[Update] 1 Dead, More Than 70 Hurt in Hoboken Train Crash

HOBOKEN, N.J., Sept 29 (Reuters) – As New Jersey Transit train No. 1614 pulled into Hoboken, Linda Albelli realized something was not right.

“I noticed he’s not slowing down, we’re going too fast, and with that there was this tremendous crash,” she said.


NBC: At least one person died and more than 70 were hurt when an NJ Transit train crashed into the station in Hoboken at the height of Thursday’s morning rush, leaving twisted piles of metal and cables and causing part of the highly trafficked terminal to collapse.

Sources familiar with the investigation told NBC 4 New York a woman in her 30s who was on a platform in the station died. There were conflicting reports about other possible fatalities as emergency crew worked to extricate victims from the mangled wreckage. Hospital officials initially reported two more deaths, though later clarified they had only received wounded patients.


12 Comments on [Update] 1 Dead, More Than 70 Hurt in Hoboken Train Crash

  1. Home sick and been listening to this story all day. I used to commute through this very station daily some 35 years ago.

    Annoyingly conflicting reports are saying one dead, then three dead, then one dead……can’t anyone count? Do we take the average and assume there are two dead?

    Wishing a speedy recovery to the unjured, and condolences to the families of the deceased.

  2. UPDATE: Just read the “alternative” ways people from Northern New Jersey can get home from Manhattan tonight if they usually go through Hoboken.

    Ay, carumba! Having grown up in the area I am familiar with all the trains and buses. This is going to be one big fat mess until they can restore full service to/from Hoboken. The problem is that the extent of the terminal’s structural damage isn’t known right now, so they can’t say how long it will take to fix it.

    I would say that however long your commute was before, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to double it now. And some of these guys had 2+ hours, door to door, each way.

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