1 Divided by 0 = ? – IOTW Report

1 Divided by 0 = ?

This is a question on Reddit that a mother asked others what she should do:

“My son’s third grade teacher taught my son that 1 divided by 0 is 0. I wrote her an email to tell her that it is not 0. She then doubled down and cc’ed the principal. The principal responded saying the teacher is correct… What do I do now?”

The answers are varied, but most agree with her!

The teacher eventually apologized.

Go HERE to see.

h/t Dadof4

56 Comments on 1 Divided by 0 = ?

  1. The most common mistake is that 1/0 = ∞\

    Claiming 1/0 = 0 is so stupid it’s pathetic. It implies no education whatsoever.

    Holy dingbats.

    (I’m witnessing the BS math with my grand kids. Teaching them really bizarre, round-about, impossible to remember or do in your head methods. I tell my 5th grader after explaining a better and easier method: “Trust me, I’m a Sputnik baby.” He laughs because he knows what that means.)

  2. I was astounded by how many agreed with her.

    But I also noticed nobody said what the number was if it wasn’t zero

    The dumbing down of the world is a severe problem.

    It is no wonder we have such political problems these days. People can’t think straight.

  3. “Can’t divide by 0”

    “Just say that it equals “undefined.” In summary with all of this, we can say that zero over 1 equals zero. We can say that zero over zero equals “undefined.” And of course, last but not least, that we’re a lot of times faced with, is 1 divided by zero, which is still undefined. ” – University of Georgia.

  4. When my youngest was in second grade, he answered a question correctly on a quiz, but it was marked as wrong. I brought this to the attention of the teacher and was told that he’d answered the question outside the context of the method in which the lesson was taught. While his answer could have been right—she wouldn’t even admit that he was right—his answer was incorrect because he deviated from the narrow focus of the lesson, which had one specific, expected answer.

    No amount of logic could persuade her to give him credit. Fortunately he still thinks outside the box as a young adult. But that teacher is still there teaching second grade and trying to stuff kids back in the box.

  5. When they rolled out Common Core Math I scratched my head wondered how is this better?
    Then it mutated into outright bullshit maff and I came to the realization that this is all part of an overall effort to f*ck up the next generation so that they can’t design, engineer or ascend to excellence! So far everything else they have done simply proves my original theory. You can’t divide by 0 anymore than you can change sexes!

    Let’s face it, you can’t go to Walmart and by chromosomes, although if K-Mart was still around you might be able to cash in on a Act Blue Light Special…

  6. In the real world, you get zero when you try to multiply or divide by it.

    The “undefined” is just a way to say “I don’t know how to describe how stupid it is to think you can get a number out of it.” – My inner Dadof4 told me that.

    So my question back to the parent: If it isn’t zero, what is the number?

    Whatever happened to using the word NULL when an inoperable operation cannot give a number back to you?

    1. having no legal or binding force; invalid

    null and void

    2. having or associated with the value zero

    3. lacking distinctive qualities; having no positive substance or content

    You still get zero results no matter how you describe it or think about it.

    I corrected many a teacher during my school years, but it was usually a just a slip-up on their part.

    Except for my oldest’s 5th grade teacher getting it wrong about the smallest country in the world. It’s not Luxemburg. She agreed and stood corrected once #1 reported back to her the next day. He actually didn’t believe me until she said I was right.

    The smallest sovereign state is the Vatican. AT least it was the last time I checked.

  7. @ Wild Bill SUNDAY, 11 AUGUST 2024, 17:41 AT 5:41 PM

    Ya gave me a giggle. That’s my kind of “live” humor when talking to people/friends. The slightly misheard word.

  8. When I was in 10th grade, I told my math teacher about “googolplex.” He had never heard of it and made fun of me. I aced his class but math is my weakest subject.

    @J-K Levels – nice Fixx reference!

  9. @Dad0f4 — NULL has a specific defined meaning, and it doesn’t include the value of 1÷0. So, 1÷0 isn’t NULL.

    Declaring that 1÷0 = undefined is a mathematical convention. Should that be changed? I dunno. Maybe. But there’ll be a lot of cacademic inertia to overcome if you want to try. Just think of all the math books that would have to be corrected! Expensive!

  10. I’m going to assume this was a government monopoly day prison (aka skool). Better question to ask is why your child is still being handed over to them every morning.

  11. Microprocessors, when attempting to divide by zero, throw an interrupt since the hardware cannot handle the actual division – it would never complete.

    If this occurs in the OS, you would get a kernel dump or blue screen of death (or… pick your OS).

  12. @joe6pak — check this…

    1 ÷ 1.000 = 1
    1 ÷ 0.100 = 10
    1 ÷ 0.010 = 100
    1 ÷ 0.001 = 1000

    As the number you’re dividing 1 by gets smaller, the answer gets bigger. And bigger. And bigger. If you take that divisor down to very close to zero, the answer approaches infinity, not zero.

    @txfella — zero isn’t nothing. It is the integer that lies between -1 and 1. There are more uses for integers than just counting things.

  13. The proper and polite answer is “this is an invalid request. You cannot divide by zero.”

    The more fun answer as provided in the movie My Cousin Vinney, “it is a bullshit question”

  14. @99th Squad Leader — Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Division is one of the four basic arithmetic operations, and is very useful. Duh.

    The mechanics of division is well established and works flawlessly with one exception, and that’s when the divisor is zero. No one has come up with a different way of performing division that handles that zero divisor and handles all other cases so we get the exact same answers we’ve been getting for centuries. So the convention is to say that the result of dividing by zero is undefined.

  15. It’s an illegitimate equation. Practical application. we are supplied plot points for an air foil. Most commonly known as a wing. When they get close to the tip with the computer generated plot points expressed in xyz coordinates it’s not uncommon to find a square root of, or division by zip, zero. We disregardful anything with a zero value and everything works out bitchen.

  16. According to Calculus, if you divide 1 by any number approaching zero, then it yields infinity; not zero. But stupid people don’t understand infinity; so let’s change the rules; so morons can feel better about themselves, while getting basic math concepts completely wrong.

  17. @ TheMule

    Infinity can equal zero.

    The “outer darkness” in the Bible is what is beyond (outside of) the created universe. What the universe is expanding into. The universe started out in this infinite nothingness. There is nothing out there and it goes on forever.

    Yes, even if there is SOMETHING, there is infinity beyond it. Like the difference between a ray and a line, geometrically speaking.

    Both are infinite, but one has an end starting point.

    So saying infinite isn’t equal to zero isn’t true in this sense. It is the same. Zero is nothing and that is an infinite concept when applied to the universe.

  18. “@99th Squad Leader — Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Division is one of the four basic arithmetic operations, and is very useful. Duh.”

    Uncle Al, I wasn’t questioning the process, I was attempting to understand how the process works for this particular equation. I’m not Gen X, Millennial or Gen Z. I’m a proud Boomer taught the basics you mentioned correctly before “new math” took over.
    Your response was sorta condescending, but I’m sure you were caught up in your enthusiasm to make a point.
    I accept the “undefined” result of 1-divided-by-0. Just trying to make the “why” clear for myself.

  19. Bell System COSMOS and all the other racks other than COSMOS start at Zero. 0. Nought. Zero with a dot in the middle, or a zero with a left handed strike.

    Why do I give a fuck? Because phone company shit starts at Zero. Not One.

    Those who want to complain? What are the interstitial pairs? Zero. They are plant test pairs, secondarily, and faulted (other) pairs, primarily.

    If only we have a preponderance of faulted pairs on the main cable we give working pairs to subscribers.

    I read like I’m drunk. And I am.

    We assign pairs to subscribers BEFORE we assign pairs to ourselves.

    And often they are interstice pairs with no name.

  20. Dadof4

    The Gov send us “tech data packages” of the part or assembly we are tasked with building. We need to interpret old specs and material call outs and find current specs to process the parts with. Most importantly we need to interpret their fucked up dimensional schemes and plot points to determine what the damn part even looks like. Our customers demand results.
    The very same as your customers. how many times have you had to very from manufacturers suggested process to satisfy your customers. God bless the Sole proprietorship. It’s a constant fight to feed our families.

  21. Brad

    There are manuals/instructions, and there is realistic application. This we know and accept.

    Experience really can’t be replaced.

    That’s also why I’ll never trust robotic services. (Including a Tesla car driving itself) I heard they have made a dental robot that can give you a root canal and a crown in something like 15 minutes. No thank you. A sentient being needs to be at the helm as far as I’m concerned.

  22. @99th Squad Leader — Please accept my apologies. Although this does not excuse anything, that was my last comment of the night and wasn’t paying attention to my tone. It wasn’t my intention to be condescending to you or anyone else. I should have ended the post with a </pedantic-jerk> tag.

  23. The question Uncle Al, is there a divide-by-zero singularity at the center of a black hole? If you think there is (as Claudia is suggesting), then you got “sucked in” to modern cosmology and black hole theory!


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