1 out of 3 snowflake millennials believe they are stressed out more than the “average” person – IOTW Report

1 out of 3 snowflake millennials believe they are stressed out more than the “average” person

Study Finds-

Smartphones and digital technology are supposed to make our lives easier, but for young adults, it seems that things may only be getting tougher — and for a slew of reasons. According to one recent survey, about 3 out of 5 millennials (58%) feel life is more stressful right now than ever before.

In fact, the survey of 2,000 American millennials, commissioned by CBD oil company Endoca, reveals that one-third of millennials believe their lives are more stressful than the average person’s life.

I can imagine that one of the main stressors is thinking that they may be average. -BFH

Here are the top 20 stressful scenarios reported by millennials:

1. Losing wallet/credit card
2. Arguing with partner
3. Commute/traffic delays
4. Losing phone
5. Arriving late to work
6. Slow WiFi
7. Phone battery dying
8. Forgetting passwords
9. Credit card fraud
10. Forgetting phone charger
11. Losing/misplacing keys
12. Paying bills
13. Job interviews
14. Phone screen breaking
15. Credit card bills
16. Check engine light coming on
17. School loan payments
18. Job security
19. Choosing what to wear
20. Washing dishes


ht/ lurker

15 Comments on 1 out of 3 snowflake millennials believe they are stressed out more than the “average” person

  1. You’re kidding, right? No wonder these pussies go ape-chit at the sight of a MAGA hat or shirt. Self-independence scares the hell out of them.

    When Civil War II starts, we’ll just cut off their WiFi and after the surrender, ship them all to the Middle East for their re-edjumacation.
    Fun times.

  2. If any of these whining, self-obssesed brats went through a fraction of the trials and storms I have persevered through, they would have blown their brains out.


  3. The “unintended consequences” of never:

    1. being hit by a big rubber ball at recess.
    2. falling off the monkey bars.
    3. leaving a “competition” without a “Winner” ribbon.
    4. being teased for being a cry baby.
    5. being made to go for more than two hours without “snack”.
    6. having to be responsible for taking care of the family pet.
    7. being told your not as good as someone else in sports, academics, public speaking, etc.
    8. being criticized for bad manners or having a prickly personality.
    9. being required to earn their own spending money.
    10. having to set an alarm clock in order to get somewhere on time.
    11. being put in the position of delaying personal gratification.

    Most of our generation was raised having to wait all week for Saturday morning cartoons for our entertainment, and even then we were subjected to things like Aesop’s & Son’s stories about right character.

  4. And you know they all believe that they are “above average.” That’s a large part of the problem. Other people should be doing all of these “hard” things. That’s where the socialism comes into play.

  5. Well, ain’t that special!
    Talk about your “first-world” problems!
    Rose thorns aren’t even in the top 20!
    Zounds! Ya figure any of these dainties has ever walked in the woods?
    Cut down a tree?
    Fixed an internal-combustion engine?
    Changed a tire?
    Unstopped a toilet?

    Poor dears – worried about washing dishes?
    Have they considered a Unicorn attack? That’s some fearful stuff!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. What a bunch of wusses, we didn’t have most of those things in that list when I was younger and we had had far less stress unless you count the draft and the damned Vietnam War. And we actually received a better education then they do now before political correctness kicked in and turned their generation into a bunch of spoiled, mind numbed bunch of dumbasses who are afraid of everything and especially if it involves responsibility. I have no sympathy for them. I still wash my own dishes, of course I’m single so it falls on me to take care of myself and make sure things get done.

  7. When i first read this i thought “April Fools.” These people are truly clueless, which sounds like a simplistic cliche, but i have no other words to describe them. THEY make ME sad.


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