10 Amazing Science Experiments – IOTW Report

10 Amazing Science Experiments

This video is a compilation of 10 cool science experiments.
0:00 Jet engine in a jar
0:52 Traveling flame
1:16 Soapy water and gas
1:50 Drain cleaner and aluminium foil reaction
2:58 Brake fluid and pool chlorine
3:24 Coca Cola and pool chlorine reaction
4:01 Fire snake
5:13 Elephant toothpaste
5:52 Sugar and sulfuric acid reaction
7:33 Flammable hand sanitizer

8 Comments on 10 Amazing Science Experiments

  1. This stuff should be illegal to post anywhere the younger me would have been seriously
    injured. Really Really stupid.
    I had a young friend who almost died, he had heard it’s fun to mix
    Household ammonia with bleach, which he did in large quantities inside a small shed.
    I believe he made Mustard gas,he spent time in the hospital.
    10 years later a farmer in the same county tried to make homemade fireworks and blew half his leg off.

  2. My old man mixed spic and span cleaner
    with bleach in a five gallon bucked to strip
    a floor in a restaurant kitchen. We had to
    evacuate for two days. (late 70’s). We were
    lucky we didn’t burn our lungs.
    The floor that was touched was burned white.

  3. Every holiday season, otherwise normal guys burn down their garages trying to immerse hard frozen turkeys into deep fryers full of boiling oil.
    A friend tried that & was lucky to survive.

    The science is settled.

  4. Try this. Pour a glass of sparkling water. Put a piece of coral in said water. Better yet, put the coral in the glass before pouring said water to avoid making a mess. Watch as the coral does not dissolve in the carbonic acid bath because of THE EQUILIBRIUM LAW. That’s right kiddies — since CO2 is a component of calcium CARBONate, more CO2 keeps the CaCO3 from dissolving.

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