10 Arrested in Berkeley, Elderly Man Assaulted Following Violent Anti-Trump Protest – IOTW Report

10 Arrested in Berkeley, Elderly Man Assaulted Following Violent Anti-Trump Protest

UFC veteran and professional MMA fighter Jake Shields was even forced to rescue a man who was being assaulted by left-wing rioters after police allegedly refused to help.

Breitbart: Ten people were arrested in Berkeley, California on Saturday following an anti-Trump protest that sought to counter a march in support of President Trump.

“A total of 10 people were arrested, including five for battery, four for assault with a deadly weapon and one for resisting arrest,” reported The Marin Independent Journal on Saturday. “Police reported items confiscated among the combatants were: ‘metal pipes, bats, 2x4s and pieces of wood. A group with bricks was detained, and their bricks confiscated.’”


13 Comments on 10 Arrested in Berkeley, Elderly Man Assaulted Following Violent Anti-Trump Protest

  1. Just remember this the next time the Berkeley Hills burn or there is an earthquake – respond like the Berkeley police did when the city asks for outside help – paybacks are a bitch

  2. Come on Trump supporters! it’s time for marching on the streets, blood and death! we won the election we can make America great again! time to let the liberals know who is in charge now. build that wall! round up those criminals! pass voter registration laws! vet every immigrant with a fine tooth comb! check them for disease both mental and physical. this is America love it or leave it!

  3. “it’s time for marching on the streets, blood and death! ”

    That’s something the left does because they think like that.

    You reveal yourself as a lefty by suggesting it.

    There is no one to rage in the streets over. We built this country.

    We play defense.

    We will kill you if come for us.

    If we played offense, you would be dead already.

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