10 Fun Facts – IOTW Report

10 Fun Facts

Found this on Twitter and, yes, I did them all.


1. You can’t wash your eyes with soap.
2. You can’t count your hair.
3. You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
4. You just tried #3.
6. When you did #3, you realized it’s possible, only you look like a dog.
7. You’re smiling right now because you were fooled.
8. You skipped #5.
9. You just checked to see if there is a #5.
10. Share this with your friends to have some fun, too!

18 Comments on 10 Fun Facts

  1. “1. You can’t wash your eyes with soap.”
    Funny this should be posted the day after I screwed up and had a spritz of brake fluid to my eye from an uncovered master cylinder.
    Yes you can wash your eyes with soap. Dawn dish soap to be exact. Burns like a son of a beast. Much better than the alternative of being unsure if it was all flushed away or not.

  2. Even DH who seldom laughs at anything other than drandchildren antics and Trump antics and gotchas, laughed at this.

    Greg, yes about soap to wash out eyes. Had touse baby shampoo for an eye infection.

  3. Huh. For me, #4 is incorrect. I did NOT try to breathe with my tongue out, because I knew without trying that I could. Everybody can. Also, I noticed there was no #5 when I got to #6, so #9 is incorrect, too.

    What am I supposed to make of that?

  4. #1 would be more accurately written “You can’t wash your eyes with soap without experiencing intense stinging pain that will make you really, really wish you hadn’t.”

    IIRC, soap in the eyes is painful because of the alkali in it. Detergent doesn’t have alkali, and baby shampoo is technically a detergent and not a soap. Detergent also doesn’t produce a precipitate (soap scum) when used with mineral-ion-containing hard water. Fun facts to amaze and amuse your friends!

  5. The little innocent duckling on the label lured me in to a state of calming trust. Ba$$tard!
    Actually I have used Dawn what seems like forever. Sprocket tooth puncture through the top of the the thumbnail? Dawn and hot water.
    Filthy M/C engine cases prior to assembly? Dawn and hot water.
    Laceration on the hand? Dawn and hot water.
    Dirty dishes? Dawn and warm water. (I have my limits.)

  6. I fell for Number 4. I tried to stick my tongue out and breath through my nose. I could do it. I did it. But not for long.
    I also drive on the parkway and park on the driveway. And when I come to a fork in the road, I take it. I also can’t lick my elbow. I’m totally phucked up.

  7. @MJA
    Yes it does burn like crazy. I had to literally use it on a washcloth and run the washcloth on th inside of my lower lids. Never thought of telling my allergy suffering son about washing eyelashes. He has long lashes loke a dust mop.

    @ Greg


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