10 reasons to immigrate to Iran – IOTW Report

10 reasons to immigrate to Iran


Iranian officials and the Islamic Republic’s propaganda machine usually complain that Western media do not report the realities of Iran under the IRI.  To cover this guilt, the Western media send a correspondent to Iran, and he tries to find positive things to say about the country.  What is missing here is a lot of interesting aspects of Iran under the mullahs.  Some of these aspects are so fantastic that they may encourage Westerners to move to the country.

Here you have ten reasons to move to Iran under the Islamist rule:

1. If you are a child-molester and want to have four permanent nine- to fifteen-year-old wives and unlimited non-permanent wives (more than nine years old), you should immigrate to Iran.  All these relationships are legal and cheap in the country.  You can even informally purchase a girl for some thousand dollars in some deprived provinces.  Not even in Saudi Arabia can you do child marriage anymore, but it is free in Iran.  Lovers of child marriage have an oasis there.

2. If you hate paying taxes and you work in the private sector, Iran is your heaven.  You can be a physician and make a fortune, not paying a penny to IRS.  You can do it in Iran by receiving cash from your patients.

3. If you want to get super-rich (more than 100 million dollars), it is very easy: register yourself in the Basiji militia in high school and college.  Then work for the IRGC security branch and be courageous in persecuting, torturing, and killing dissidents.  In ten years, you will have riches no one can imagine even in developed and capitalist societies.  The government will sell you government-owned companies for one tenth of the normal price and give you low-interest loans to do the transaction.

4. If you are looking for a young and cheap prostitute, Iran is your destination.  The age of prostitution has decreased to 13 in recent years, and you can procure basic “services” for two dollars.

5. If you hate laws and regulations, Iran is your hometown.  Laws and regulations are passed to be violated by the powerful and well connected.  Although all the laws favor the Islamist strata, they are thrown in the garbage bin for the sake of Islamic expediency.  read more


6 Comments on 10 reasons to immigrate to Iran

  1. I have mentioned this before, I have a fairly new friend who I am trying to help who is a religious refugee from Iran. She was fairly successful in Iran but had been reading (and hiding) her Bible since she was a teenager. She was made to march and say ‘Death to America!’, wondering why she would want to say that. When she was mid-30’s, about 11 years ago, she was caught with the Bible, knocked around by her husband, fined tens of thousands in US $. She bolted for Malaysia the first opportunity, taking 10 year old and 6 month old daughters. About 7 years in Malaysia before making her way to USA as a refugee.

  2. Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to immigrate to Iran? The closest I’ve ever been to Iran was in the Persian Gulf in 1974 when I was in the Navy and it was the hottest most miserable place that I’ve ever been in my life. It makes the Mojave Desert look like an oasis. Let the Arabs and the Persians (Iranians) have it and fight over it, no one else wants that god awful place.


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