10 Ways Iran Has Flouted International Law Since Signing the Nuclear Deal – IOTW Report

10 Ways Iran Has Flouted International Law Since Signing the Nuclear Deal

TheTower: October 19 was “adoption day,” one of the markers of the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers in July. It is the date by which Iran says it will voluntary adopt measures governing inspections of its nuclear sites, while the United States and Europe will begin the process of removing nuclear sanctions on Iran.


Iran has portrayed the agreement as giving international legal legitimacy to its illicit nuclear program. In March, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote that the nuclear deal with Iran would be binding under international law, asserting “that according to international law, Congress may not modify the terms of the agreement at any time as they claim, and if Congress adopts any measure to impede its implementation, it will have committed a material breach of US obligations.”

In recent weeks, Iran has consistently shown its contempt for international law, even as it seeks legitimacy in that same code.


1) Jason Rezaian – Earlier this month, Iran convicted Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian on charges of espionage. Rezaian’s trial took place in secret, and he was only able to meet with his defense lawyer once during the proceedings. “Iran has behaved unconscionably throughout this case, but never more so than with this indefensible decision by a Revolutionary Court to convict an innocent journalist of serious crimes after a proceeding that unfolded in secret, with no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing,”Post executive editor Martin Baron said in a statement. The case against Rezaian was brought by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a powerful state institution that answers directly to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and which stands to benefit greatly from the nuclear deal. Zarif said in May that “the Islamic Republic doesn’t imprison journalists or dissidents over their views.”  more here


5 Comments on 10 Ways Iran Has Flouted International Law Since Signing the Nuclear Deal

  1. “..congress may not modify the terms of the agreement at any time as they claim, and if congress adopts any measure to impede its implementation, it will have committed a material breach of us obligations”


    for the love of god, someone show some gonads and kill this dangerous deal that screws the us

    in the meantime, always remember as a precaution..run to the light

  2. Springtime, 2028
    Cautious reports from the New Farm Bureau indicate that the 2029-2030 growing season may may be the best since the war.
    Although the nuclear winter was shorter than expected, the long term affects from the acid rain to the Forested areas of North America are immeasurable.
    The Mandatory Home Garden law may be rescinded as early as 2032 as more commercial Farms are able to operate on fossil fuels again, and prison and illegal immigrant work gang labor will be redirected to building the Southern Wall.

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