10-year-old’s Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist, 27, Was Listed As Minor In Abortionist’s Report To State – IOTW Report

10-year-old’s Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist, 27, Was Listed As Minor In Abortionist’s Report To State

FOX: Ohio 10-year-old’s mother appeared to defend alleged rapist, 27-year-old illegal immigrant Gerson Fuentes, to reporter.

The Guatemalan illegal immigrant charged with raping and impregnating an Ohio 10-year-old who traveled to Indiana for an abortion was listed as a minor in the report the Indiana-based abortionist sent to authorities. 

Dr. Caitlin Bernard reported that the alleged rapist was approximately 17-years-old in an official filing to the Indiana Department of Health obtained Thursday by Fox News Digital. On Wednesday, Ohio authorities charged 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, with rape of a minor under 13 years old in the case.

Fuentes confessed to the crime to Columbus Police Department investigators, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said in a statement Wednesday. more

See Also: Woman Claiming To Be 10-Year-Old Rape Victim’s Mom Insists Daughter ‘Fine,’ Media Lying About Suspect.

The mother of a 10-year-old rape victim told Telemundo on Thursday that her daughter is “fine,” suggesting that the media are lying about her daughter’s alleged rapist, 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes.

Fuentes was arrested and charged with first-degree rape on Tuesday after allegedly confessing to raping the Ohio minor, who reportedly became pregnant and obtained an abortion out-of-state.

“Everything they are saying against him is a lie,” a woman claiming to be the victim’s mother said, according to translated reporting from Telemundo.

The reporter was at the home of Fuentes when a woman who identified herself as the victim’s mother answered the door. She did not give her name, nor did she want to be on camera.

14 Comments on 10-year-old’s Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist, 27, Was Listed As Minor In Abortionist’s Report To State

  1. “The reporter was at the home of Fuentes when a woman who identified herself as the victim’s mother answered the door.”

    Wait, what? The victim’s mother was at the perp’s house? Why? And why was she defending him? This is sick. Apparently mom’s boyfriend was the rapist, and she doesn’t seem to care about her daughter. CPS need to get that poor kid away from this sick bitch.

  2. super toe — You’re not playing the game right! “The Narrative” is a tricky game of lies and half-lies; you’re not supposed to cut straight to the truth of the matter like that! You’ve committed a serious breach of etiquette. Now go stick your tongue on a frozen pipe.

  3. Who was it that said the weren’t sending their best people? Did he get accused of racism and xenophobia for saying they were sending rapists and murderers to destroy our country? Any possibility that he was accurately describing this exact situation? They live amongst all of us in every city and town now.

  4. Proof, yet again that pedos will be legal in ten years.

    This murdering abortionist deliberately hid the facts.

    They shipped this poor girl across state lined on purpose to set this up.

    The deal was made to protect the pedo who is obviously the mothers boyfriend and meal ticket.

    The cross state abortion was to keep an Ohio investigation from happening and the lie about his age was to prevent an Indiana investigation.

    I bet this wasn’t the child’s first pregnancy either, a question someone needs to ask.

    Demonrats were triumphantly and exulted when this proved not to be another Demonrat hoax.

    How sick it that, to celebrate child rape as a victorius talking point?

    The scrutiny to verify thus incident will backfire on the party of pedos abd abortionists as the mothers and Dr’s deal gets exposed.

  5. Everything about this story points to them not caring a whit about the little girl, only about making a political issue out of her plight. A massive tragedy – just like every single child crossing the border because some adult made them.

  6. Abigail Adams, the truth is that in order to follow proper etiquette, we as conservatives are supposed to ignore this story entirely and focus on our unwarranted skeptical reaction to this pwooven twoo story in the first place. That’s what every journo everywhere is saying now.

  7. Where this MUST go, if the GOP establishment has ANY credibility whatsoever is a thorough, exhaustive and transparent investigation into how many other pedophiles the Democrats at these abortion centers are protecting. They opened this can of worms and it is absolutely necessary to look into this:

  8. He was ordered by the judge (IF he could make 2 mil bail 😂) to have no contact with the victim or her family. Further to NOT return to xxxx street where the victim resides.
    His court appointed atty stated he had made arrangements to live some place else.

    Of course this is a fishy relationship…mom and perp dating and/or mom knew perp was raping her daughter but perp is bread winner so looks the other way.

    Look, so many mothers will send their tots, accompanied by unrelated young men, knowing they’ll be raped along the way, to cross the border.
    Morals, scruples and a mother’s love is not in their dna. Should anyone be surprised?

  9. The whole story smells of a set up. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to discover the scumbag deliberately impregnated the girl so she could be used by the democrats as their abortion poster girl.


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