100 Pound Heavier Janet Jackson About To “Uncouple” From Her Muslim Husband – IOTW Report

100 Pound Heavier Janet Jackson About To “Uncouple” From Her Muslim Husband

You think you gain weight wearing sweat pants? Try wearing a tent.

Wouldn’t it be something if she was honor killed?

I’m not saying she should be. I’m saying, boy, that would be something.

Only 4 months after having a child at the age of 50, she wants out.


40 Comments on 100 Pound Heavier Janet Jackson About To “Uncouple” From Her Muslim Husband

  1. Another stupid dhimmi celebrity poster child. She may want out, but she might never see the United States again or make it to her next birthday unless President Trump rescues her dumb behind.

  2. Maybe she doesn’t understand the rules? Or did she get fat so the muzzie goat-humper would text her a divorce?
    Either way, she deserves all islam has to offer ;^)

  3. Who the hell marries some one named Wissam Al Mana.
    Sounds like a piss eater to me, from Pisslam.
    She will be lucky to keep the kid, you watch he will want to keep the kid and “lots of money” to raise it in a moeslem home.

  4. Considering that most of Janet Jackson’s famous photographs consist mainly of soft porn poses, this is quite a turn of events. I don’t generally follow celebs and their issues, but it’s kinda shocking like when you see a current picture of some of them when it’s been 20-30 years since that movie you saw them in, for example Kathleen Turner and Teri Gar.

  5. When one makes decisions based on erroneous data, one may expect disaster to follow.

    This seems to be a truism regardless of surname.
    Pity her. She is emotionally stunted.
    (it’s Sunday)

    izlamo delenda est …

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