100 Year Old Lady Says: “Drink a lot of booze” – IOTW Report

100 Year Old Lady Says: “Drink a lot of booze”

100 year old says drink booze


Her favorite booze is Pennsylvania Brew:

From Channel 33:

A woman’s secret to a long life is getting a lot of attention. Pauline Spagnola told a news station last week that her love of booze has helped her reach one-hundred-years old.

That was enough for her story to go viral. It has been seen 68-thousand times on Facebook and getting nearly seven-thousand likes. Spagnola says she is surprised, yet pleased, that people as far away as Brazil are sharing her story.

When asked about her secret to making it to one-hundred-years-old Spagnola had this to say. “Drink a lot of booze!’ I can`t describe it but it is just wonderful!”


5 Comments on 100 Year Old Lady Says: “Drink a lot of booze”

  1. My mother is 91, her favorite beverage is Two Buck Chuck (Trader Joe’s), merlot wine. I buy it by the case for her. She believes it’s the cocktail that keeps her alive. 🙂

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