102 Arrested, 47 Victims Rescued in 12-State Human Trafficking Sting – IOTW Report

102 Arrested, 47 Victims Rescued in 12-State Human Trafficking Sting

DCPatriot- A massive human trafficking operation joined by 12 states has seen over 102 arrests and 47 victims rescued Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt announced.

“Using both buyer-centric and victim-centric ‘sting’ human trafficking operations, Missouri and participating states were able to rescue 47 victims and sex workers and provide needed medical services to 41, and arrested 102 across the country in connection with human trafficking,” the Missouri Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.

Here’s a list of the arrests by state:

Missouri: four victims rescued, two arrests made.

Illinois: one victim rescued, three arrests made.

Iowa: 11 arrests made, a large amount of currency has been seized.

Kentucky: 21 adult victims rescued, two minor victims rescued, 46 arrests made.

there’s more

6 Comments on 102 Arrested, 47 Victims Rescued in 12-State Human Trafficking Sting

  1. Being from middle America, I suggest and approve of the millstone. However, I am unwilling to pay transportation for these perverts to be taken to the ocean. Tossing them in the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri Rivers, Great Lakes or other appropriate swift or deep body of water would be cost effective and fine with me.


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