11 Year-Old Bronx Boy Didn’t Have Gun In Order To Shoot Dead Home Intruder – IOTW Report

11 Year-Old Bronx Boy Didn’t Have Gun In Order To Shoot Dead Home Intruder

The 11 year-old had to settle for stabbing the thug. Too bad he didn’t have a firearm so he could rid the earth of this cretin –> 22 year-old Brian Febus.

Febus kicked through an apartment door in the Bronx and began assaulting the 11 year-old’s mother. When he tried to call 911 the attacker smacked the kid around. When the scum turned his attention back on the mother the hero son picked up a kitchen knife and plunged it into the dirtbag’s back. Sadly, it did not hit his heart and kill him.

Febus fled and went to the emergency room and told doctors he was involved in a street fight. Cops were called for his statement.

The boy and his mother went to the same emergency room. When they spotted the attacker they alerted police.

more at The NY Post

12 Comments on 11 Year-Old Bronx Boy Didn’t Have Gun In Order To Shoot Dead Home Intruder

  1. At some point one has to ask whether, in a lawless society, where violence is prevalent and law enforcement is non existent, are the rules against gun ownership even valid? Nobody knows that you own a firearm if you are not forced to use it in self defense.

    But I would rather live another day and go to court.

    Actually I wouldn’t live in a gun free zone in the first place.

  2. Mom, Buy your son a SOG SEAL Team Fixed Blade S37-K – Powder Coated 7″ AUS-8 Blade, until he’s been properly trained, then buy him a pistol.

    The little man wants to keep you around, he loves you, let him protect you.
    Good Job, son.

  3. If Master Soto and his mother lived close I would love to help get them trained up with a pistol. Wouldn’t it be great if at the end of Trumps first term they were teaching fire arm safety in every public school.

  4. Brad, it’s a heck of a coincidence that you would say that, I was thinking the same thing. My grandson (12 years) is doing a four day, three night school field trip to a lake in a National Forest next month and I was thinking what a great opportunity that would be for a gun safety class. I’m going to bring it up for next year, I might be surprised with the number of people that agree.

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