110,318 New Yorkers Have Subjected the Country To the Brainless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – IOTW Report

110,318 New Yorkers Have Subjected the Country To the Brainless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This is not up for debate. Ocasio-Cortez is not a very bright person. She’s exceptional in the sense that a French Bulldog might sound like a human doing a weird vocal exercise when he wails.

In the end, the French Bulldog is still a dog making an awful sound, and she’s still a bar maid overly enthusiastic by idiotic socialist classroom theories.

Somehow, this impressed 110,318 New Yorkers, and this completely convinces me that I did the right thing getting as far away from these morons as possible.

The left often wails that flyover states are too overrepresented. “Why should North Dakota have 2 senators, just like every other state?”

Because this is the 50 United States of America. We’re not Illiyorkaflornitexania.

But if they insist on asking that question, here’s one for them. Why should the United States be subjected to a bug-eyed Shé Guevara just because 110,318 dipwads in New York brainlessly flipped the lever for this dope? She was serving Fuzzy Navels a year ago, and I don’t mean the drink.


27 Comments on 110,318 New Yorkers Have Subjected the Country To the Brainless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  1. I think that in the primary, people voted for Ocasio-Cortez as a joke. Although not on a national level, I saw this happen twice in local elections; too many people voted for a clearly unqualified candidate because they thought it would be funny. The candidate in question didn’t even have a driver’s license – he photocopied a flyer and rode his bicycle around putting his flyer in mailboxes. After the election, it was “oops, say hello to your new school board trustee.”

    I like my bartender, but I would never want to see him in Congress.

  2. She is an enemy of free thinking, capable individuals, that are striving for the right of self determination. Just like so many of our modern day politicians. I’ve had a couple doses of bad news today, but not as bad as today’s news is for my children and grandchildren. I’m surprised we haven’t reach a tipping point yet. It’s coming.

  3. @ Wyatt -Jessie Ventura was a joke too, but he was much smarter than AO’Crazio.

    It only proves that If you can make it in New York, you likely won’t make it anywhere else these days.

  4. Whenever someone like her comes around that needs to be gone ASAP, that’s a clear indication she’s here for the long haul. As in at least another 50 years. I never understood the phenomena. Something about the good die young and evil thrives. She makes my skin crawl.

  5. The MSM edumacated her and 10’s of millions that Kenyan Barry deserved to be POTUS. He never even had a real job like delivering a pizza, (activist).
    ‘110,318 dipwads in New York brainlessly flipped’!
    ‘She’ at least was serving Fuzzy Navels a year ago, and I don’t mean the drink.’
    Just threw up in my mouth thinking of the best De Niro delivered line ever ,,,
    ‘Lil bit’,,
    ‘Lil bit’,

  6. No! Cortez is not a product of the NY election. She is the tip of the spear now — having been recruited (along with 79 others) by the “Justice Democrats.” Do your homework! Know who these people are. See my comments about this on the next thread up.

    Fur: Look up all the Justice Democrats candidates who ran races in the mid-terms. They’re gunning for your new home state. California and Florida, baby. Hmm? Why do you think that is?

    Cortez didn’t just wake up one morning and say to herself, “Gee, I think I’ll run for Congress.”

  7. It’s worse that that. She only got 15,897 votes in the primary. She only won her primary by about 4000 votes. Once she won the primary she was a shoe in because of dopes voting straight line party tickets.
    Imagine that – just 4000 shit pickles in New Yawk inflicted her on us.

  8. I’ve got a Furby and I just wish I also had the box it came in. And yeah it’s like when POTUS wants to accomplish something and a judge no one’s ever heard of can temporarily stop it.

  9. She puts the stoo in stoopid and it is a very dangerous stoopidity. And I always thought that all the Congressional Black Caucus members were dumb, they’re pikers compared to this dangerous idiot. We should start calling her Vladimir Lenin’s spiritual granddaughter, that’s how far left and extreme she is.

  10. I remember a line from McClintock where John Wayne’s character comments, “Tell a man he’s gonna get something for free, and the wax starts growing in his ears.”

  11. The joys of the Democratic Republic!
    The worst form of government in the world – except for all the others.
    (to paraphrase)
    She’s not the first shitpickle in Congress, nor the last. Is Hank Johnson still there? There are some abysmally stupid folks in both the House and the Senate – but all of them are connivers. Some have enough sense to stay out of the limelight and be assumed morons rather than pushing themselves forward and openly declaring their moronicism. She believes she’s clever. The clapping and barking seals who attend her are encouraging her stupidity. She believes her own press. The propagandists are hanging onto her every word (and shouting them from the rooftops) because she’s not smart enough to realize she’s a tool, so she maunders on from one imbecility to another.
    Another “Chatty Cathy” – pull the string and hear the pre-recorded message.

    She eats Al Gore’s effluvia and re-defecates it undigested.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Always Only Communist is the gift from God. Read an article today about her verbal EMP exploding star clusters of stupidity every time she opens her vacuous pie hole.

    Her constant waves of asininity are single handily destroying every progressive sand castle Nan Nan the sea hag trys to build.



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