Try and guess what she did.
A 12-year-old girl in Florida is facing misdemeanor battery charges for—of all things—pinching a boy’s butt in between classes, WKMG reports. According to WFTV, Breana Evans and her friends “were just pinching random people” at Milwee Middle School to see their reactions. She says it’s a game a lot of students play. But one boy—who Breana didn’t know—complained, and Breana was suspended for “socially unacceptable” behavior. The boy told a school resource officer he didn’t want to press charges; then his mother got involved. She called police, saying she wanted Breana prosecuted for battery, and the girl was placed in a patrol car and hauled off to juvenile detention.
“I feel like it’s just stupid, just a stupid charge that shouldn’t have to happen,” Breana tells WKMG. Her father, Ray Evans, agrees, telling WFTV the charges are “extreme,” “crazy,” and “not the American way.” “Lord lord lordy, what has this world come to?” he tells WKMG. “Kids can’t even be a kid … She’s 12 years old, she was acting like a 12-year-old child.” Evans says the boy’s mother is being “too overprotective,” and her son “might get some friends” if she loosened up about things. A state’s attorney for the county says the charges against Breana will be dropped and her record cleared if she completes a 90-day diversion program of classes and community service and passes drug tests. “Lord lord lordy,” indeed.
“suspended for “socially unacceptable” behavior”
There won’t be any student left in the classes.
Precious little snowflakes getting butt hurt.
She will be fine, it’s a good thing she didn’t chew a pop-tart into the crude shape of a gun. That kid is fcuked up for life!
When will we start seeing teachers and administrators suspended for socially unacceptable behavior?
(In case it isn’t obvious, that’s a rhetorical question.)
Political Correctness should be dissolved into the puddle of piss it is…
There will come a day, my fine young lad, that young girls won’t pinch your ass. On that day, reflect on your youthful stupidity.
Nothing like starting the kiddies off early with experiencing the mindless, overbearing, tyrannical, money grubbing monstrosity that is the “justice system” in America these days. I guess that a game of tag would result in charges for “assault and battery” these days and “red rover” would be a capital crime. I miss the good ol’ days when kids could be kids without worrying about being hauled off to jail because a parent is a litigious jerk.
Roman Polanski (age 82) has signed her to a four-year contract to make stag films. He’s having her change her name to Natasha Kinky.
so in my school this little twerps picture would be on every bulletin board and every kid in school would be pinching, or maybe punching him. but I grew up in a tough school so I am SURE that they won’t do that to him ….
There you go, train the little man to tattle about everything that happens to you.
When I was Ten or twelve I was holding down a load of stuff in the back of the Old Man’s truck on the way to the dump some hot woman flashed me her bewbs.
Some things should be tucked away in the apothecary drawers of the mind to muse upon later.
Throwing batteries….no?
Something doesn’t sound right there…in Florida, most juvenile detention centers won’t accept a juvie unless he/she committed a high-level felony and/or has a serious rap sheet, and/or no parent/guardian wants the kid. A misdemeanor battery by a 12-year-old? Can’t see that kid going to detention…
The boy’s mother wanted a girl but she’ll settle for a little faggot.
In Baltimore public schools they
give the 12 year old 3rd graders
a gold star if they haven’t mugged
anyone since lunch.
Shit, all she has to do is yell rape. Right?
so much 4 a kid’s 5th amendment rights…
She has to pass drug tests!? For pinching —AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! (boom – head explodes)
You just KNOW there is no Dad living in that poor boy’s home. This story makes a strong case for the value of the two parent family.
was she handcuffed her in a darkened stairwell when she was six? That would’ve taught her a lesson.
12 year old arrested for 12 volt battery
Lucky for me I was born in the 40s. Kids today will never experience childhood due to asshole parents , school administrators, and political correctness. It’s a shame.
That mother is raising a little twink. She will be so proud when he comes out of the closet.
What is this country turning into? You gotta read the comments at the end of this article……
Maybe she’s a sweet little girl however, this photo from NTDWA suggests she’ll make it to juvvie yet:
when we were twelve we went around snapping the girls bra straps during school.
I would have been sent up the river for life if I was in school today.
I brought pocket knives, wore my scout uniform on days we had cub scouts and brought my home packed lunch to school everyday at that age.
and if I was ever foolish enough to be offended by someone else’s words, I would have heard, “sticks and stones break my bones but names will never hurt me”.
dr spock ruined childhood for every one after his stupid book came out.
we have a country full of ILLEGAL criminals and they do this SHIT? how stupid have the powers became? WHAT A FARCE and waste
Granted what the 12yo girl did was a bit much.
But also, from reading the name, I’m wondering what her pigmentation is. And I can’t help but giggle when the left start eating their own. Which is what’s happening here. Two (or more) Leftist Libtard generated Special Snowflake “Everyone Gets An Award For Participating” groups are in conflict. (giggle)