13 Things ‘Muslims Will Ban’ When They Take Power – IOTW Report

13 Things ‘Muslims Will Ban’ When They Take Power



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27 Comments on 13 Things ‘Muslims Will Ban’ When They Take Power

  1. I have my day all planned out.

    Going to go to the casino, enjoy a cocktail, have the double-cut pork chop for dinner, do some gambling, flirt with the females there, catch a movie on my way home, take out a 500k life insurance policy, buy a few shares of stock just for fun, enjoy a few more drinks, smoke a ciggy, enjoy some porn, and then dutch oven a poster of allah under the sheets before I go to sleep, all the while chanting FUCK ALLAH…..

  2. 13 things I will ban when I am Emperator:

    Burning the American Flag
    Non Citizens working in critical industries
    Planned Parenthood
    Any Flag from another Country being flown
    Tenure for college Professors
    Any Governmental assistance other than emergency medical care to Illegal aliens
    The ATF
    The EPA
    The TSA (I will adopt the Israeli methods)
    Affirmative action
    Governmental ID for illegal Non Citizens
    -From doing business in America ever again: Those who hire illegal aliens
    Any Printed Governmental Documents in any language other than English

  3. Ahhhh. . . but that’s your personal choice. Not mandated from above by Gooberment, which is what would happen if the muzzies take over and implement Sharia.

  4. You forgot to mention the I.R.S. ,D.H.S. , N.S.A. , D.E.A. & any other unconstitutional .gov agency i failed to remember. Furthermore , all .gov employees would be required to take a test on the constitution & bill of rights. NO EXCEPTIONS …

    Don’t pass , YOUR FIRED ! Oh yeah , no more .gov unions either . A mandatory read of atlas shrugged is also a requirement , you will be tested on the book .NO EXCEPTIONS .

    All those who do pass the test will be required at all times to carry a ” citizens rule book ” . That requirement is a part of employment.
    The .gov shall be ran as the founders intended , a LIMITED .GOV

    All law enforcement within the u.s. & it’s territories would be required to carry a citizens rule book as well . Lay beat down’s on innocent’s , be prepared to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. NO EXCEPTIONS ….Your job is to maintain rule of law , not circumvent it . This go’s for our military as well , unless it’s a case of national self defense .

    A tax base between 6-8 % nationwide sounds fair enough , no more personal income tax etc.. This would be up to the continental congress to pass as laid out in the u.s. constitution .

    Constitutional carry of firearms will be enacted in all 50 states , no more gun free zones & other anti gun lefty marxist bullshit.

    Man’s natural right’s would be respected at all times , which is the right to life , liberty & the pursuit of happiness .Along with the pursuit of PRIVATE PROPERTY . Limited .gov shall at no point
    confiscate private property at the local , state or federal level without JUST COMPENSATION . NO EXCEPTIONS ..

    To promote general welfare doe’s not mean suckin on the .gov tit.
    You don’t work you don’t eat period . Those who can’t work ,by means which are beyond their control shall be taken care through charitable means. No more FORCED altruism !

    The pursuit of science shall be done through charitable means as well. Frankly i could care -less about space exploration , any one else ? Want to explore outer space ? Get a group of investors together & go for it .No more FORCED ALTRUISM !

    Last but not least , laissez Faire capitalism shall be promoted at all times .

    Emperator ?? Um how about ” potus ” the founders despised monarchy “titled ‘s ”

    S.F.Y Out

  5. Ah, good old Willie Nelson, the world’s oldest stoner. Let’s not ban him entirely he does have a fairly good old classic country and western channel on XM satellite radio, channel 59. And besides they play Ranger Doug’s Classic Cowboy Corral on Sunday mornings at 6 AM Pac. time. Great stuff Maynard.

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