14 State Attorneys General Warn Biden They are Reviewing Legal Options Over Keystone XL Pipeline Decision – IOTW Report

14 State Attorneys General Warn Biden They are Reviewing Legal Options Over Keystone XL Pipeline Decision

h/t Joe6pak

Gateway Pundit: 14 state attorneys general warned Joe Biden they are reviewing legal options over his decision to cancel the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Joe Biden’s first order of business was to kill tens of thousands of jobs.

Biden signed an executive order canceling the Keystone XL pipeline that runs from Alberta, Canada through several states.

Tens of thousands of oil workers lost their jobs, local towns are suffering and states stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in annual tax revenue.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen led the coalition of state AGs and sent a letter to Joe Biden warning him Americans will suffer “serious, detrimental consequences.”

“Please be aware that the states are reviewing available legal options to protect our residents and sovereign interests. In the meantime, we urge you to reconsider your decision to impose crippling economic injuries on states, communities, families, and workers across the country,” Knudsen and the attorneys general wrote in the letter.

“Your decision will result in devastating damage to many of our states and local communities. Even those states outside the path of the Keystone XL pipeline—indeed all Americans—will suffer serious, detrimental consequences,” they wrote. read more

21 Comments on 14 State Attorneys General Warn Biden They are Reviewing Legal Options Over Keystone XL Pipeline Decision

  1. …”reviewing their options”…

    …whenever President Trump did an EO, there was always a Federal Judge to block it at the request of multiple DAs THAT DAY, no “reviewing” needed…and the few that DID get through were simply ignored…

    …”Reviewing their options” = “how do we blame Trump and still support our Democrat masters in a way that our MSM propagandists can best spin”…

  2. The logic from these prog idiots never fails to amaze me. Lets move the same oil (we are going to use anyway) on choo-choo trains instead of a pipeline that’s been in the works for years. Lets also shut off out own supply That,again, (We.Are.Going.To.Use.Anyway.) and buy it from overseas delivered in slow clunker boats that drink the diesel fuel… All the while driving costs up and killing local jobs. But hey, at least trump is off twitter. *Sigh*

  3. The funny thing about this warning to Biden – it shows the AG’s think Biden (or rather the powers behind him) will change his mind. No way. His mind is made up and won’t change. Unfortunately, this won’t amount to anything. The prog’s are using this to hurt people and further their agenda, so they won’t back down.

  4. I’m thinking this administration WANTS to punish Trump voters. There’s no way they will reconsider . . . unless they propose finding new jobs for these workers building detention camps for “domestic terrorists.”

  5. What I’ve enjoyed about this whole episode was Kerry claiming that “the market” put the Keystine workers out of business and not 1 of Biden’s 52 Executive Orders.

    And if you say that his Executive Order sent you to the unemployment role that you’re trafficking in “false narratives” and propaganda.

    Who needs cheap, affordable energy when this administration has a Strategic Gaslighting Reserve in abundance.

  6. @Anonymous

    Flow Rate. You can increase pressure to increase capacity but it erodes the pipe faster and increases leak rate etc. There are very strict limits imposed. etc.

    Think of Keystone XL as Turdeau’s cock stretched asshole spewing stupidity at a very high rate.

    Now compare that to Democrat Needle Dick soy boys hunting & sniffing for under aged victims.

    Sorry for the visuals

  7. @ Kevin R.

    Also carbon taxes at the source. Turdeau has implemented them already. It has effected prices by $0.08 (8 cents a litre) or 32 cents a gallon up here. They are tacked on at the Source and along the chain.


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