14K-Plus Attend WWE Event Defying Alleged Islamic State Threat – IOTW Report

14K-Plus Attend WWE Event Defying Alleged Islamic State Threat

I didn’t believe that threat for one minute. Jihadis are very much into oiled-up burly men wrestling in tight outfits.

isis flag 2


An alleged Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) plot to attack WWE’s annual event Sunday at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta failed to deter more than 14,000 people from attending the sold-out “Survivor Series” show, which carried on without any major incidents.

On Saturday, the hacktivist group Anonymous claimed it had uncovered information about ISIS plans to attack Paris, Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, and the U.S. on Sunday, prompting federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities to increase security at the WWE event.

“Anonymous also said the Islamic State group is planning an assault at the WWE Survivor Series event scheduled to take place in the Philips Arena in Atlanta Sunday at 7:30 p.m. EST, as well as attacks at multiple events in Paris,” reported the International Business Times (IBTimes).

Despite the alleged threat, WWE continued on with its “Survivor Series” event, as attendees endured long lines and enhanced security at the sold-out show.  more here


1 Comment on 14K-Plus Attend WWE Event Defying Alleged Islamic State Threat

  1. WHO did that ISIS flag knockoff? It’s priceless!! I’m ROLFMFAO!!

    Oh, and back to the original subject. . . good for the good citizens of Atlanta for going to the WWE event in spite of the ISIS threat. Who’s afraid of the big bad muzzie? Not them. If ISIS were to attempt to attack a WWE event, they’d get pile-drived (driven?) into the mat, just like any other opponent.

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