15 Year-Old German Girl Uploads Video Telling the Truth About Muslims in Her Country – She is Petrified and For Good Reason – IOTW Report

15 Year-Old German Girl Uploads Video Telling the Truth About Muslims in Her Country – She is Petrified and For Good Reason


Here is a transcript, translated from German.

Hello, you can read the newspapers but this video is about the real situation in Germany. I would like to tell everyone about this on Youtube and Facebook. I am almost 16. I would like everyone to know what is going on, what I am authentically feeling at this moment.Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 11.49.29 AM

And I am so scared everywhere. For example, if my family and I go out together, or if I see a movie with my friends. Usually I stay at home, but sometimes I stay out until 6 pm in winter, and it is so scary. It is just very hard to live day-to-day life as a woman.

I just want to say that I am not a racist. But one day, a terrible thing happened at the supermarket. I ran all the way home. I was so frightened for my life. There’s no other way to describe it.

My aunt and her friend have said you have to grow up. Why should we, children, have to grow up in such fear? It’s not just me, my friends too. You can see on Facebook, a 17 year old attacked, a 15 year old attacked, two 12-year olds attacked, so many. It is really so sad that this is happening … because of YOU PEOPLE. 

I cannot understand why they do this. But more importantly, I cannot understand whyGermany is doing nothing! Why is Germany standing by, watching, and then doing nothing? Please explain, why. Men of Germany, these people are killing your children, they are killing your women. We need your protection. We are so scared, we don’t want to be frightened to go to the grocery store alone after sunset. The politicians live alone in their villas, drink their cocktails, and do nothing. They do nothing! I do not know what world they live in, but please, people, please help us! Please, do something! I cannot understand why this is happening. One day, my friend and I were walking down the street, and a group of Arabs were protesting and demonstrating. They shouted, “Allah! Allah! Allah is the one God! Kill those infidels! Allah Allah!” What should I do? Should I wear a burka? Why should I have to convert to Islam?

It’s fine if you believe in Allah, but why do you want to make everyone else believe in Allah too? I just think it would be better if there were no religion. Stop trying to make everyone else believe in your God when they do not want to.

Please, people of Germany. Do something!

When I try to tell the authorities about what has happened, they hold their hand up towards me and they say it is a problem and then ignore it. and they laugh. It is unfair. They laugh at us. They say we are dumb. They think this not only of me, but of the entire state of Germany. They don’t care about our fear. Please help us. This is an emergency! There are more and more of them.

One time in summer, the Muslims said we were sluts for walking outside in a t-shirt.

Yes, we were wearing t-shirts. It’s summer!

Another day, I was wearing this. My friend and I purchased it while shopping hehe. If we feel like wearing it, we will wear it! And you Muslims have no right to physically assault or rape us for it! God willing, never in my life. You have no right to attack us because we are wearing t-shirts. You also have no right to rape.

The life of Germany has changed because these people cannot integrate. We give them so much help. We support them financially and they do not have to work. But they only want more babies and more welfare and more money. Men of Germany, please, patrol the streets and protect us. Do this for your women and your children. If you do that, I believe that we will have a chance.

This sort of action would be wonderful. We would be so grateful and thankful. So many thanks, if steadily, more men would come to protect us. We are so scared.

I am so upset about what Merkel has done.

Thank you, Angela Merkel, for killing Germany! I have no more respect for you, Merkel. I do not think you know what you have done. You do not see how our lives have changed. Open your eyes! Is this normal? Should I, a 16-year old who is almost 17, be so scared to walk outside my house? No, it is not normal. You have killed Germany!

This is the truth. We are no longer allowed to walk outside. We are no longer allowed to wear our clothes. We are no longer allowed to live the German life. This is the sad truth.

I think it’s about time to end this video. I believe I have given a full account from a normal person. I hope others can see this and understand.

I only want to end with one message: Men, please, help your women. Help your children. I am so scared. My friends have the same fear. We are shocked that this has happened. I hope this video can convince you, and that this terrible events can stop.


24 Comments on 15 Year-Old German Girl Uploads Video Telling the Truth About Muslims in Her Country – She is Petrified and For Good Reason

  1. It is absolutely necessary for armed patrols to protect peaceful people and stop assaults, using as much force is necessary to accomplish that. If the govt continues to refuse to make such patrols with police or military, then it is up to ordinary people to take up arms themselves.

    To anyone who condemns this as vigilantism, I say screw you and your lack of respect for your neighbors, especially your female neighbors. To Hell with you.

    And any attempt to prevent ordinary people from taking their own safety and security into their own hands should be met with forceful resistance. If the govt authorities try to stop this with lethal force, then let those authorities have lethal force applied back at them.

  2. This is so sad. Her plea is so heartfelt and honest.

    Usually awful changes come slowly(the Jews in Germany are a good example – many just did not know what was happening until it was too late.) and people become inured to the decline.

    The only good thing about what is happening in Germany right now is that it has happened so quickly and the regular German people have the power of a media like the internet to get the message out.

    Those paying attention in the U.S. get to see the cliff before we are pushed over.

  3. Severe, swift, disproportionate responses are required. These animals don’t abide by rules or common decency. They only respect force. Seeing their dead fellow invaders on the streets and maybe they may get a hint. The muzzies cannot be reasoned with.

  4. Like England, Germany’s manhood was mostly killed off over the course of the past century. The only breeders left were sissies and backbenchers. History is replete with nations doing this to themselves.

    Europe is done. Whatever men may be left should take their women, drive out the socialists and the ragheads, and declare their independence.

    And KILL whoever stands in their way.

    Otherwise, bend over and take it like a man … or a goat …

  5. Germany has already lost track of over 600,000 moslims. It’s over unless there’s some widespread rebellion.

    It’s exactly what Obama/Jarratt want for us by importing 100s of 1,000s of “syrian refugees”. It’s why they are seeding small towns across the country with them.

    It’s also why Trump is winning. He is the only person who has said they’re going back. Support for ethanol is bad. Attacking Pamela was bad. Misuse of eminent domain is bad. None of them will destroy our country like continuing the moslim invasion.

  6. A big part of the problem is this, IMO

    “I think it would be better if there were no religion.”

    O.K. but it isn’t happening; Islam is not going to stop because you think religion is not a good thing, little lady. The Germans ceased believing in real Christianity and then substituted nationalism and fake Christianity. Hitler thought it was a weak religion and was more interested in paganism and occultism, Since the end of WWII Germany has become an overwhelmingly secular state except for Islam which gets a pass. What it needs are hundreds of thousands of brave woman (and men) and more like this one who spoke out against Islam several years ago.


    And as heretical as It may sound to both Catholics and Protestants I’d start asking German Christians 9and are “Saints”- in the way Paul uses the term as “believers in Christ”- who have gone to be with God, like Martin Neimoiller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to intercede to God for salvation for your country and conversion for the Muslims.

  7. You’re spot on dude-the vacuum created by the abandonment of Christianity was a ripe situation for Islam to step into. Europe was able to muster the will to defeat Islam in the 1500s because of their rock solid Christian beliefs.

    Now what have they got? A weak gruel of long gone nationalism, empty churches and millions of aborted Europeans.

    They are so fucked.

  8. Europe has neither the birthrate demography nor the moral will to counter the “go” moment that will come when Muslims all across the continent decide there’s enough of them to act swiftly and decisively. At that moment it will truly hit the fan. Bombings, hostage situations, school captures like Belsen, home invasions, you name it. The governments – even if they’re willing to respond – will be paralyzed. The populace is largely unarmed. There will be isolated pockets of resistance but in the end there can be only one outcome: varying degrees of concession will be made, not merely to the Muslim immigrants-turned-occupiers, but to Islam itself. Then the light goes out forever.

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