15th Amendment Does Not Protect The Right Of Illegal Immigrants To Vote – IOTW Report

15th Amendment Does Not Protect The Right Of Illegal Immigrants To Vote

ARRA: The 15th Amendment says that “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” The purpose was simple. After the Civil War, freed slaves were being denied the right to vote, even though they were citizens.

That’s where it begins and ends. If you’re an American citizen — the key question — you get to have control over the government which you elect. You get to vote.

But, if you’re an alien living in the country illegally, you do not get to have control over the government not meant to serve you — and certainly not with the right to vote. The 15th Amendment was never intended to be extended to non-citizens.

Yet while dozens of states require proof of residence with a photo identification in order to vote, far fewer have proof of citizenship laws in place.   MORE

5 Comments on 15th Amendment Does Not Protect The Right Of Illegal Immigrants To Vote

  1. “The 15th Amendment says that “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

    The Communist / Sodomite faction has always had an issue with operative words. The operative word in this example is ‘citizens’.

    Other operative words have included ‘shall not be infringed’.

    Fear not however, emotion and hypocrisy will continue to rule the day — and the future.

  2. what’s this constitution you guys are talking about.

    the one in use by our elected representatives says that it’s ok to tax the citizens income, use tax dollars to abort babies, it’s ok for men to marry other men, men confused about their gender can use the womens bathroom, illegal immigrants have the full rights of any real citizens maybe even more, it says we have to settle muslim terrorists into our communities, it says we cannnot say anything we want to because someone might object, it says politicians cannot be guiltyof treason if they didn’t mean it.

    i don’t know what constitution you guys are reffering to but it doesn’t exist anymore even if it ever did.

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