16 Dine n’ Dashers Skip Out on $420 Bill – IOTW Report

16 Dine n’ Dashers Skip Out on $420 Bill

Their lives matter. I hope they live long enough to pay their debt. Then they can drop dead.

Police are looking for them in the Memphis area.

44 Comments on 16 Dine n’ Dashers Skip Out on $420 Bill

  1. Rude, obnoxious, abusive, freeloading degenerates, that’s all they are and MORE.

    What do you think the combined weight of that lot is??

    Maybe 5000 lbs?

    That one’s arm is bigger than…well lots of things…

    And they ALLLL work hard I’m sure, right?…They must have forgotten their EBT cards…


  2. I think this is a “thing” with this demographic. There was a group of 11 women who pulled a dine and dash (or eat and cleat if you prefer) at the Grand Lux Cafe in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. Thy just bolted and blended into the rest of the “revelers” on Michigan Avenue. But Rahm kept the coverage of all the weekend shenanigans pretty much out of the press.

  3. Just watch who’s at the restaurant. Let them try that shit on Arthur Avenue, Bronx, or Little Italy. OK. I’ll say it: They are fucking animals.I doubt they’d reach the X Bronx Expressway or Canal Street, without a hefty ass kickin.’
    Then the police would be called.

  4. The bingo wings on the white dressed female thing weigh more than my overfed Rottweiler. Actually there’s a fine rendition of Phil the dog in BFH’s Pet Portrait gallery. BFH owns the portraying pets world.

  5. @ Moe Tom – they are imbeciles and morons maybe even animals in a modern society, but they do not have a Death Wish.

    Apologies to the real imbeciles, morons and animals out there..

    “Fat, drunk and stupid is NO way to go through life” –
    Dean Wormer


  6. Ghost. In other words they would not pull that shit on Arthur Avenue, Little Italy, or Brooklyn? For fear of a brutal asskickin.?
    That’s my thinking.
    Think of the Headlines: White Racists assault fun loving group of black people celebrating a son’s release from prison.

  7. Back in 1971 two friends and I dined and dashed in Missoula, Montana. One hour later a guy punched me and broke my nose. That’s when I learned about instant karma.

  8. $420 seems pretty cheep for a party of 20 that was ordering expensive food and drinks.
    Hell, my wife and I with 2 kids that eat off the kids menu manage to rack up $80 to $100 at a mediocre restaurant with average priced food and no drinks.

  9. It is possible for restaurants to display notices stating that there is an advance cover charge for each person in the party. If this policy is applied to every customer, it could not be claimed to be racist. The pre-charges could be applied to the final bill. Gypsters who plan to dash out most likely would not pay the cover charges, but would leave. Even if they did dash, the restaurant would have gotten some compensation. The reality is that economic self defense precautions have become necessary, especially in criminally infested areas.

  10. I’m not saying this restaurant endorses illegal immigration, nor am I saying anyone should take something for free, but here we may have a group of oppressed taking from border jumpers, the ultimate takers getting taken, in a showdown for the Biggest Taker. Heck, that should be a TeeVee show.

  11. I want to know how much those
    bovines weigh on the hoof ?
    EBT= Be good eatin’ Y’all.
    How bout dig a hole with a GIANT Kumatso
    back hoe with a turned up turbo charged MONSTER
    6 cylinder diesel engine and you know the rest…

  12. See, wait staff, cooks, dish washers, et al, don’t really deserve anything.
    This is the totalitarian/socialist/nihilist/demonrat legacy.

    People who serve you simply exist to SERVE.

    WE is entitled; YOU isn’t!

    This is exactly why you keep rats and cockroaches out of your house -FREELOADERS.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @ Moe Tom – let’s put it this way they would be made an example of…for all to know about.

    THIS is why it would never happen at Domenicks, they know this, this is why they don’t go there to begin with!

    Yes, these POS’s know who they can eff with and WHO they can’t.


  14. Blacks need their own restaurants and other institutions and accommodations.
    Resegregation is best for everyone.
    The world would get safer for Whites, while allowing the blackman time to go find his dignity.
    Why are we still trying to live together after all of this time while ignoring the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors? What point does it serve?

  15. A scam planned before they entered the restaurant. The only one that didn’t approach half a ton supplied the signal to set the plan in motion by lighting up his Bob Marley. Hope they are locals who are tracked down and made to pay.

    However, the rip off could have been worse. $420 for 16 thieves is only $26.26 each. It could easily have been $50 each. And the total bill would have approached the average weight in pounds.

    Still trying to figure out why the video is on the Very Fake News YouTube channel. That sends a mixed signal whether it’s a true story.


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