16 Facts That Indicate the U.S. is in Mortal Peril – IOTW Report

16 Facts That Indicate the U.S. is in Mortal Peril

If these facts are verified we are in up to our gotchees.


#1 When Ronald Reagan won his first election, the U.S. national debt was less than one trillion dollars. When Barack Obama entered the White House it was sitting at 10.6 trillion dollars, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in 2010 it was about 14 trillion dollars, and now we have nearly reached the 20 trillion dollar mark. We have been stealing money from our children and our grandchildren at the rate of more than 100 million dollars an hour, and yet most Americans don’t seem to care that we are rapidly bankrupting our nation.

#2 In 1956, approximately 5 percent of all babies in the United States were born to unmarried mothers. Today, things have obviously changed tremendously. 2008 was the very first year in United States history when 40 percent of all babies were born to unmarried mothers, and we have now stayed at that level for eight straight years.

#3 In the early 1970s, well over 60 percent of all Americans were considered to be “middle class”, but in 2015 that number dipped below 50 percent for the first time ever.

#4 In 2001, nearly 16 million Americans could not afford the homes that they were currently living in, but by 2015 that number had more than doubled.

#5 Our system of public education is a complete mess. A study of Millennials in 22 major industrialized nations conducted by the Educational Testing Service found that only two countries were worse when it comes to literacy proficiency, and we were dead last when it comes to math.

#6 In the early 1970s, 70 percent of all men in the United States from the age of 20 to the age of 39 were married, but today that number has fallen to just 35 percent. Instead of getting married and starting families, a lot of our young men are still living at home with their parents. Today, 35 percent of all young men from the age of 21 to the age of 30 “are living at home with their parents or a close relative”.

#7 Many Americans don’t realize this, but the United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use on the entire planet. But we actually have an even bigger problem with legal drugs. According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, nearly 70 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and an astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

#8 According to the CDC, 110 million Americans currently have a sexually transmitted disease, and there are approximately 20 million new STD cases in the United States every single year.

#9 Thanks to decades of unchecked illegal immigration, membership in criminal gangs has absolutely exploded all over the country. Today there are 150,000 gang members living in the city of Chicago, and they outnumber the police by more than a 10 to 1 margin.

#10 Today there are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Addiction to these websites has become a major national crisis, and yet very little is being done. One major survey found that 64 percent of all Christian men in America view “adult material” at least once a month, and a different major survey found that 68 percent of all Christian men in America view “adult material” on a “regular basis”.

#11 When a federal income tax was introduced in 1913, it was fairly simple and most taxpayers were taxed at a rate of just one percent. Today, the tax code is more than 2 million words long and the regulations are more than 7 million words long.


ht/ FDR in Hell

21 Comments on 16 Facts That Indicate the U.S. is in Mortal Peril

  1. The Mark of the Beast soon to be offered to everyone willing to commit suicide.

    1/3rd of the planet will be destroyed.

    Dogs & Cats will begin living together. 😉

    One World Government.

    One World Religion.

    Anti-Christ comes.

    Real Christ returns.

    1,000 years of peace.

    Believers go to Heaven.

    Non-believers remain on Earth.

    …….God said all these things must take place in time.

  2. I used to drag race motorcycles when I was young.
    ( really stupid idea )
    I used to say any day where I’m not in the hospital is a good day.
    So cheer up.

  3. 110 million Americans have an STD? Skeptical on that one.

    The drugs one? Probably lowballed. My Old Man is hooked on Oxy, my 80 year-old cousin is trying to get off the Vic’s. I take NEXIUM, which is now OTC, but I’ll have to be in some serious pain before I get a prescription for a damn opioid.

  4. End of the 19th start of 20th century were a big time for end of world, lots of predictions then.
    I just live in the reality that we have been in the last days since 33ad.

  5. “The odds are against us and the situation is grim.”

    “You must have faith… That the Universe will unfold as it should.”

    Things must be bad. I’m reduced to quoting Star Trek.

  6. In spite of all that crap, I choose to be happy,and I am. There are things that bother me, and I do what I can to make the world a better place, even though I know it’s never enough. I refuse to dwell on the negative.

  7. Well, until the SMOD hits us, we gotta put up with this shit.

    I recommend guns, lot’s of guns, nice pretty guns, guns that go bang, guns that go boom, and keep a gun in every room!!!!

  8. When speaking of the debt, during Reagan’s term the national debt rose $4 trillion but the value of just the stock market grew $60 trillion. Already since DJT the market has increased by $4 trillion.

  9. “Many of these numbers come from my new book…”

    “Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District”

    Doomer porn to: 1) sell his book, 2) sell his candidacy. Sick of this shit.

    Trump won because he told us we would be great again, and we will.

    Sleep well, get up and kick tomorrow’s ass.

  10. I wouldn’t consider myself naive to worldly ways, but something inside me is very happy whenever I can say, “What does that mean? I don’t even know what that means?!” Six decades and in some ways I’m still as innocent as a six year old.

  11. When the Ice Age ended, the Gates of Hercules held back the sea for centuries.
    Then one day… apocalypse. All the way to the Straights of Bosporus and beyond. The folks who were driven out of their lands on the continental shelf by the rising sea fled to the surrounding mountains.
    These things are cyclical.
    America is a construct, that when neglected, will go away.
    However, the media only espouses the opinions of the sophists.
    The saviors of America will be rural dwellers, long abused in print and voice.
    The old men and ladies will be revered again for their wisdom about survival without electricity.
    You could drop these people in the jungle at noon and by that night they will have a functioning society.
    Hopefully it will replace what we have now.

  12. 💢 WELFARE 💢

    Who is on welfare causing all this trouble?


    Cancel welfare, and these people go back to work instead of sitting around making babies, selling drugs, doing drugs, costing us money.

  13. Well, that’s it, then!

    When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
    Who’s yer daddy?
    Don’t talk like a man with a paper asshole.
    Bend over and take it like a man!
    Whomp! Dere it is!
    Cain’t we all jus get along?

    “The moving finger writes; and having writ, moves on.”

    Things are, indeed, approaching the Dire Straits. But we will not witness the collapse of America, but the collapse of Western Civilization. China may contribute, but will avert the catastrophe by brutality – same with Russia. India will (probably) to head-to-head with Pakistan and their feral raghead neighbors. Africa will continue to be ignored as the backwater that it is (the ragheads already have a large presence on that benighted continent).
    A spark of Intelligence, a glimmer of Freedom, a whiff of Liberty, or, at the least, some solitary man will protect, in his heart, the notion of America.

    The “End Times” are not upon us (as the prophecies haven’t been fulfilled) but there are certainly times of tribulation dawning.
    President Trump cannot do it alone.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. We are living under what God revealed through Paul as the dispensation (dispensing out) of grace.

    Grace precludes wrath.

    God cannot piecemeal out His wrath because ALL are under grace.

    When this dispensation ends – and it will end – then God will pour out His undiluted wrath upon the world. But not before.

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