16 Year-Old Says Sylvester Stallone Forced Her Into Threesome – IOTW Report

16 Year-Old Says Sylvester Stallone Forced Her Into Threesome

I read the details on another site that I will not link to. So I am going by memory. I‘m going to link to a Fox report of Stallone’s reaction. A story I have not read yet.


Interestingly, the girl says had Sylvester Stallone not invited his bodyguard to join in on the sex she would have been perfectly fine with the experience.

It was during the shoot of Over the Top, that horrendous rewriting of Rocky as an arm wrestler.

Stallone, along with his bodyguard, escorted the girl to the room. The bodyguard went into the bathroom.

(Rough descriptions follow)

She says Stallone only put it in a little and for only a few seconds because he said she was “too tight.”

He then asked her if she ever had a threesome. Without hesitation he called in the bodyguard and he pulled her head into his crotch and forced her to perform oral sex.

He then went around to the back and had non-Clinton sex with her.

Then Stallone followed in the bodyguard’s, I guess, footsteps, and forced her to have oral sex with him.

She said neither men.. how do you say, left DNA in her. But Stallone then asked if she ever saw a man “arrive” and proceeded to let it fly.

That’s the story.

The bodyguard, Mike De Luca is dead. He was a professional boxer managed by Tony Danza, who eventually went to work as Stallone’s “bodyguard.”

He was killed by police after a traffic accident with a palm tree. He refused to cooperate, was tazed, and then shot when he claimed to have a gun. He didn’t have a gun.

Oddly, De Luca wasn’t black.

We know this for 2 reasons.

1- No one marched for him after he was killed by police with no gun on him.

2- He didn’t complain that the girl was too tight.

Why am I being a flippant dope? One reason is that it’s difficult to report salacious details without being a little uncomfortable. And when I get uncomfortable I sometimes make jokes.

The other reason is because fatigue is setting in with this avalanche of stories. It’s difficult to maintain the solemn and energy-sapping empathy that feminists seem to be able to maintain when there are 3 a day. Had they been reported at the time of their occurrence it wouldn’t seem like a sideshow.

When do we collectively NGAS? And when that happens, and it will, that will be a shame, won’t it?



29 Comments on 16 Year-Old Says Sylvester Stallone Forced Her Into Threesome

  1. Adrian! I have no use for him, especially after finding this on the Inter-web.
    From the Holloverse site: Stallone has also demonstrated a few liberal views. He has contributed campaign funds to a few minor Democrat politicians, including for Bill Clinton, who Stallone defended during the White House sex scandal.8 Additionally in 2013, Stallone stated that he opposes personal ownership of assault weapons, saying:

    I know people get upset and go, ‘They’re going to take away the assault weapon’. But who needs an assault weapon? Like really, unless you’re carrying out an assault. You can’t hunt with it. Who is going to attack your house – an army? ((Sylvester Stallone. IMDb.))

    By the way Rocky, it’s a defensive weapon. It’s only an assault weapon when used by that Government “army” to attack me.

  2. Sounds like two gay guys pretending to each other they’re not gay. Like they need to see each other’s cocks to be able to diddle a teen girl. I know, ewwww. Can only imagine to heap of coke necessary to bring about that mutant threesome. Echhh.

  3. It’s ALL “shiny penny” material
    to keep attention away from (and preventing action being taken on)
    1) Hillary & Co.
    2) Repealing Obamacare
    3) Funding/Building the Wall

  4. I never did give a shit. These “victims” waited years before saying anything, because they thought they would get roles in movies and become stars. Well, some did become stars, and now they are acting like they were raped when they were actually fucking for a part. You can’t rape the willing. To hell with them all.

  5. The Police report is on the site BFH won’t link to. I don’t blame him, what a rag. If you read the police report it was a total fabrication by the 16 year old. In other words, it’s Bull Shit.

  6. Illustr8r, I certainly understand your point of view, in fact I did a lot of Thanksgiving shopping earlier today. I’m the chef du jour here and I’ll have 22-25 people here, mostly Seattle libs. However, I’m not ready to say enough yet, I say keep it coming. I hope all these liberal bastards have the worst Thanksgiving ever. And the same for every other hypocrite and predator, lib, rino, or conservative. I’m so fed up being preached to by these phoney assholes I’m happy and thankful to see this happening. With that being said, you are not wrong, probably nicer than I am.

  7. The first thing I would ask a date in the 21 century is, have you sucked a dick. If so, bye!
    That is just freaking gross.
    I’m married for over 20 years and no my wife didn’t and doesn’t.

  8. @Joe I guess I am waiting for blowback (ha!) against DJT and others who shouldn’t be in the whirlwind. It feels too orchestrated.

    Good luck with your Thanksgiving! You can’t swing a turkey and not hit a lib in these parts!

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