17-time convicted felon gets 3 year sentence for stealing blind musician’s guitar – IOTW Report

17-time convicted felon gets 3 year sentence for stealing blind musician’s guitar

They should string him up.

A man who’s amassed more than 80 criminal cases in Cook County under at least 20 different aliases has been sentenced to three years in prison for stealing a blind man’s guitar at the Jackson Blue Line platform.

14 Comments on 17-time convicted felon gets 3 year sentence for stealing blind musician’s guitar

  1. It all makes perfect sense, when you consider that a cop will now be sentenced for the duration of his prime life for trying to arrest a thug who should have been forever incarcerated but who died from an overdose while the man who was doing the job for which he was responsible was in the process of removing him from further harm to society or himself.

    The levee is breaking.

  2. If one believes in GOD, and all the success of the past, with heart and mind, so that we all can hear the word, what the fuck happen.! Huh..?

    I have a little reminder for you. Jesus said it himself. Are you going to call me a liar..?

    Here it is: “The church is within you” Full stop!

    kittens are cute. Goblins are not!

  3. I wonder…If you looped an extra heavy gauge guitar B string around his neck and started pulling it really tight, what would happen first? Would his head come off or would the string break? Only one way to find out, I suppose.

  4. Only out of some sick twisted lab from China or off the coast of Connecticut, or some other undisclosed location, can’t know about jack shit from this to extraterrestrials, to trillions of dollars just gone missing, but the next “We Are The World” is going to come from the selfish self righteous assholes in hollywood peddling socialism and breed out whiteness.

    You must remember: Control freaks are very selfish people. Our system today has been perverted to breed Marxist assholes like rabbits. They exist in everything now in America. BLM is filing lawsuits. Today in every institution is more selfishly ambitious than before. Listen to the arrogance tomorrow, and the next day just like yesterday, and the day before….

  5. Juan Hernandez was a Blind Visible Minority and was robbed by a Person of Color. How quickly can we also make the felon a victim of American Society?

  6. Where in the Constitution does it even remotely come close to what is today in America?

    Maxine Waters is not an American patriot. First of all, she is a socialist serving. Yet she is a law maker in America too, or am I being redundant..?

    Pelosi is your chief asshole once again after being a total flop.

    It all stems from us…We are liable.

  7. Steal a blind man’s guitar?
    Didn’t have time to rifle his pockets and steal his change?

    That’s pretty low even for one of THEM.
    (take it any way you fukkin like)

    izlamo delenda est …


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