UPDATE: 17-year-old Dutch girl legally euthanized, due to inability to continue living with trauma of being raped and molested as a child – IOTW Report

UPDATE: 17-year-old Dutch girl legally euthanized, due to inability to continue living with trauma of being raped and molested as a child

Media outlets are now reporting that the government did not assist a girl to commit suicide. She purportedly starved herself to death after refusing a feeding tube.

*BTW, euthanasia in The Hague is legal.

Guest post by All Are Complicit.

Such an incredibly sad story.

I’m not going to comment on the heinousness of a system that will allow children to decide to kill themselves.
Everyone else is saying that, far better than I could, and I agree with them.
What strikes me is the sin of violence against children, and the lasting effects of that violence.
Children cannot handle this. They should not be exposed to this. They do not have the coping skills that adults do. 
There are people in power–worldwide–who advocate for pedophilia, for the exploitation of children in the sex industry/sex trafficking of children.
Who argue that there should be no protecting of children from sexually explicit media of all kinds–books, movies, television, advertising, music, etc.
Who claim that having sex with children is acceptable, because some children “want it”, QED, it is “consensual”.
This is worse than bullshit. 
It is evil allowed to run unchecked in our society.
It is destroying our children–and destroying our future.

Noa Pothoven of Arnhem in the Netherlands is legally euthanized

A 17-year-old Dutch girl has been euthanized at her home. She said the trauma of being raped as a child made her feel she couldn’t keep living.

31 Comments on UPDATE: 17-year-old Dutch girl legally euthanized, due to inability to continue living with trauma of being raped and molested as a child

  1. What will the EU do with the possible tsunami of victims of Muslim rape gangs throughout Europe. Do you let a generation of young women just commit suicide en mass. In fact, Muslims might see this as a way to destabilize Europe as a whole and conquer through rape and the encouragement of suicide to reduce the ever dwindling indigenous European populations. (And no, I do not think that this postulation in that far fetched.)

    At the same time, you have the Left doing everything in its power to eliminate age restrictions on sexual consent because “Love Wins” and “Love Knows No Age” as their slogans say.

    Perfect Storm brewing.

  2. SICK, is what she experienced.

    But what is Euthanasia and who is it for? Is it for people? Is it for animals? Pets that are suffering?? A horse on the track??

    No, of course I am not advocating a child being euthanized, for reasons not clear to me, that said I cannot make judgement call.

    Yes, life is precious, but this ain’t your private hell to live, it was this persons.

    Is her suicide better??

    Was she counseled by a clergy in any way?

    Did she have any family or personal friends to guide her?

    Sounds like a resounding NO.

    Not sure, just asking questions.

    Paging Jack Kervokian:


  3. Who here still has a PayPal account?

    Who wants to bet me that a little research will reveal this young woman was not raped by a Mohammedan?

    If she were, not one word of this story would have made the media because that would be the obvious question, Who did it to her?

    Since that can’t even be asked unless the rapist is white, we have the answer already. But if anybody wants to bet me, I’m good for $10.

  4. After being the only one fully aware of Christ and his teachings, that continent turned its back on Him.

    I expect nothing less than Hell on Earth for all to witness.

    Muslims, boogiemen, Satanic possessions, inumerable incurable terminal illnesses….. consider how little they matter compared to turning their backs on The Word.

  5. One of the lowlights was when Hefner started publishing Playboy in 1953 or so. It got the male population all over-excited, including me. I never complained at the time, but it never should have happened.

    Before that, grown men might pass around “French postcards”, but nudity wasn’t commonly found in magazines.

    The culture, if it can be called that, has been infected with a destructive sex virus.

  6. Imagine the ball-less weirdos in her circle of family, friends, caregivers and government who failed her. Her pain was no more than any wounded soldier or other rape survivior. But she was allowed to wallow in it to the point of death.

    Lunatic progs.

  7. My first wife was repeatedly sexually molested by an eighteen year old stepson of her grandmother when she was six. Her Cajun parents blamed her and told her to forget about it. Since the molester got away with it, he continued to victimize her when he could. She was too afraid to tell anyone as her own parents had betrayed her. It must have been pure hell living with what she had to endure. I only found out what had happened to her during the last stages of our marriage. She has never confronted the bastard and he still walks the earth only because she would never tell me who he was. They would have never found his body. Gators eat everything.

  8. Try this link:
    https://wikiglobals.com/noa-pothoven-biography-wiki-age/ .

    Wherein it states she was sexually abused at age 11/12, later raped by two men when 14. That in the Netherlands children as young as 12 may be euthanized, (several were in 2017), though usually for terminal diseases such as cancer. Noa has also written a book about her plight, Winning or Learning.

    I have to wonder if the drugs or other treatments, electro convulsion therapy being the latest, she was prescribed at GGZ did more harm than good and lead to this decision.

  9. I am another who has no words for this. This is just pure evil, evidently the Dutch are trying to out Nazi the Nazi’s in their complete and utter disregard for human life. Remind me never to go the Netherlands, not even for the tulips. Nether describes how low and immoral their culture has become because this is nothing but a total descent into the nether regions of Hell.

  10. And now we find out we fought WWII to free countries
    that are going Nazi. Even the Commiecrats here are
    getting into the murderers game with ” post birth

  11. A cold and very dark permanent solution to a temporary and correctable problem. Despair is not a unsolvable condition, there’s help available despite how it may seem.
    How anyone in the medical field could have participated in this travesty is appalling.
    Those people are dead inside.

  12. If her family, friends and countrymen could do no better than that for her, then it is what it is. Her mortal life is over.

    Their damnation will last an eternity. God is just.

  13. What? This report (uploaded 2 hrs ago) claims Ms Pothoven was not euthanized.
    But had instead starved herself to death, by claiming her right to do so, and not be force feed against her will.

    https://www.dw.com/en/media-misreport-dutch-teen-noa-pothovens-death-as-euthanasia/a-49064448 .

    Either way it’s a tragic story. I think she sought a solution in the wrong places. Advice from people, including her parents (aren’t abortions obtained to avoid dealing with what they see as an inconvenience, a problemic child), too willing to recommend the option she took.

    Maybe Austin Powers father was right, “The f___ing Dutch.”

  14. The law is no talisman of a moral society.

    “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”

    ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

  15. It appears that someone got this story very wrong. Over at The Daily Wire they are debunking the claim of government sponsored euthanasia;


    According to this source, the teenager was refused euthanasia, but died of apparent suicide due to starvation. from the article;

    “A decision to move to palliative care and not to force feed at the request of the patient is not euthanasia. Dutch media did not report Noa Pothoven’s death as a case of euthanasia. This idea only appeared in English language pickups of Dutch reporting,” O’Leary added.

    A gut wrenching tragedy non the less but at least the government was not complicit in her demise.

  16. If I have posted it once I have posted it a hundred times. Progressivism is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Study the history of the progressive movement and pay particular attention to the alliances they have had during that tenure if you insist on doubting me.

  17. Aw. Sad either way. Here, a 17 y/o is still considered a child and would not be allowed to starve themselves to death if the parents took her for help. Plus, they do euthanize kids, so I’m not letting their gubmint off the hook. They were just too busy taking care of a muzzie at that moment.
    What a world.

  18. This is a function of the very same vile, “progressive,” post Christian, atheistic European shithole culture that denies access to drugs used to send those convicted and sentenced to capital punishment off to a dirt nap.

  19. The story is only fractionally less sad because of the fact that the government DIDN’T help/allow/assist her in being euthanized.

    My post was about the sin of sexual violence against children.

    I wrote it so fast–and did not proofread carefully, mea culpa–that I neglected to put in the word “sexual”, although it was clear in the remainder of the post.

    Noa Pothoven died because of the incalculable damage of being abused/molested/raped as a child, and the lack of effective follow-up to that. Whether she starved herself to death or persuaded someone else to help her die is secondary to the point I was making.

    Sexual violence against children takes many forms.
    ALL of those forms are evil.
    The damage from that is often fatal–physically, emotionally, spiritually, and/or psychologically.

    We are seeing more and more of that, all around us. God have mercy on these children.

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