18 Chicago Cops Injured in Riot and Activists Scream ‘Police Brutality’ – IOTW Report

18 Chicago Cops Injured in Riot and Activists Scream ‘Police Brutality’

PJ Media: There was a riot around the statue of Christopher Columbus in Chicago’s Grant Park on Friday. The Chicago police surrounded the statue and protected city property as they were supposed to do. The “peaceful demonstrators” threw rocks, bottles, and shot fireworks at the cops as they feel they must.

Some of the rioters were apparently roughed up by Chicago’s finest. Eighteen cops were injured. It was, after all, a riot. When police are getting pelted with objects (many of them not in riot gear), there are going to be injuries.

Activists and politicians apparently believe you can have a nice, quiet, peaceful riot that’s orderly and predictable. more here

12 Comments on 18 Chicago Cops Injured in Riot and Activists Scream ‘Police Brutality’

  1. Local news here just reported 49 cops were injured.

    But the big story isn’t about injured cops, it’s about a “peaceful protester” named Miracle Boyd that got her teeth knocked out by a cop. Then a segment on defunding the police, followed up with shooting tallies across the city, as if somehow defunding police will stop shootings. Finished with fictional western cowboy census character, inspired by Gotham’s Batman, Mayor Lightfoot who wants to sue President Trump for unleashing unmarked federal officers in the city.

    This place is nuts. Tonight’s news was unlike any other.

  2. And why was the mob not arrested for rioting, damaging public property, felony assault on peace officers?

    You make an extra wide turn, get pulled over, get mouthy, and the cops will escalate it into a felony, and here are felons doing felonious acts, and they stand there and take it.


  3. How about charging the mayor and staff with gross dereliction of official responsibilities.
    There has to be more than just waiting to vote them out as a means to hold these scum accountable. They are ultimately responsible for deaths, injuries and millions of property damage, why should they just be able to walk away?

  4. At some point elected officials must be held accountable… unless Jackass Joe gets “elected”, then all bets are off because the Communists will be in control!

  5. Those “protesters” were not peaceful ones with peaceful intent, they showed up with the express intent of being violent.

    They should be treated as such, if we keep accepting this sort of stuff our civil society will come to an end and be replaced by something very different (like vicious totalitarian rule over everyone to keep them in line (maybe like Iraq under Saddam was).

  6. 1. I like the idea of putting elected politicians in front of the police. Where was mayor Lightweight, anyway?
    2. This is nothing a couple of well-placed snipers couldn’t fix. Throw something at the cops and you get popped. Even if you wanted to use non-lethal rounds, shooting back is very appropriate.

  7. Can’t we all just get Along? No we can’t, not at all.
    What kind of leaders put cops in this war without the gear to fight back?
    Full auto pepperball guns for all cops now. Hose them down.


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