18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency – IOTW Report

18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency


Breitbart: President Obama and his mouthpieces have embarked on a bizarre scheme to hypnotize America into forgetting the many scandals of his presidency. They seem to think that intoning “this administration hasn’t had a scandal” over and over again will make history disappear. It’s the lamest Jedi Mind Trick ever, and is being pushed on people who know Star Wars is just a movie.

Here’s a short list of the many scandals Team Obama thinks it can make America forget:

The great “stimulus” heist: Obama seems to think nobody will remember he grabbed almost a trillion dollars for “stimulus” spending, created virtually zero private-sector jobs with it, allowed a great deal of the money to vanish into thin air, and spent the rest of his presidency complaining that he needed hundreds of billions more to repair roads and bridges.

Vast sums of taxpayer money were wasted on foolish projects that came close to the Keynesian economic satire of hiring some people to dig holes, and others to fill them in. Obama added insult to injury by appointing Vice President Joe Biden as the “sheriff” who would supposedly find all that missing stimulus loot.

Americans mostly ended up footing the bill for was an army of government jobs, and a lavish network of slush funds for the Democratic Party and its union allies. We’re supposed to forget about all that because years later, Obama’s weak economy finally dragged itself to something like normal “official” employment levels… with the U.S. national debt doubled, and our workforce rate reduced to Carter-era lows. Sorry, Democrats, but that’s more than just failed policy. It’s one of the worst government-spending scandals in our history. Democrats will howl to the moon over far, far smaller abuses of taxpayer money during the Trump administration, should any occur.

Operation Fast and Furious:  


18 Comments on 18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency

  1. This uneducated, no experience, affirmative action, community organizer, America hating Muslim can’t “Big Lie” his way out of the fact he has no legacy and is completely illegitimate.

  2. So the house rep from Virginia, bob goodlatte, added a rider to gut the independent office for investigating the rat turds in Congress to move it in-house, i.e. congress critters policing themselves. Let Trump hire a standing independent counsel under the law to appoint special prosecutors quickly with the Attorney General recommendations, and move it back outside the congress critters’ ability to hide and cover their crimes.

  3. Those two have been out of their league since HS, due to Affirmative Action and various anti-American enablers.
    They couldn’t feed themselves at a convenience store.

  4. History will all this America’s Mulatto Putsch: Where a half raced cadre of Mulattos attempted a coup, but were easily defeated by His Trumpness due partly to his Greatness, and to their inefficiency, bad management, and ineptness which showed them to be inelegant, grasping and ungracious.

  5. After eight years of Africans running America like Africans run Africa it’s no wonder that the Africans want to get out of Africa and now come to America because we are getting rid of the Africans that have been running America!

  6. With obama and Valerie Jarrett on a crusade to set the tone “There were no scandals in the obama administration”, it’s important to, instead, remind folks about the reality of the last 8 years. And these don’t even cover any of the minor ones.

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