18 Year-Old Athlete Dies Suddenly in His Sleep – IOTW Report

18 Year-Old Athlete Dies Suddenly in His Sleep


Theo Gibbs, 18, died suddenly in his sleep at his family’s Regina home on December 30.

Gibbs began his baseball career at the Saskatchewan Premier Baseball League’s Regina White Sox before going to the Martin Sports Academy and the Regina Red Sox Academy. 

Gibbs played collegiate baseball at Lassen Community College (LCC) in Susanville, Calif., and was home for the holidays and rehabilitation.

In June, Gibbs committed to LCC after graduating from the Martin baseball program. However, he suffered a shoulder issue at LCC and returned to Regina to recover.

“It’s really very sad. He was a great kid and it’s a really great family. You really don’t want to see this happen to anybody.”


12 Comments on 18 Year-Old Athlete Dies Suddenly in His Sleep

  1. This is just the beginning 🤬

    Killing the American population off so they can remake this country into their own utopia 😩

    Abortion on demand, Fentanyl overdoses, clot shots, and the elimination of gas cooktops so we are forced to eat crap and don’t forget the shortages like baby formula etc… 😢

    Never thought 🤔 I would have seen this in my lifetime.

    Lord have mercy on us because we have forgotten you 🙏

  2. I’m worried about my 18 year old son.

    He was not allowed in school until he had 2 hits.
    Not a joke.
    I’m concerned about him, not me.

    remember, it is canuckistan!

  3. It’s so sad that so many parents ran right out to get their kids a death jab as soon as they approved them.
    Seeing all of these teens suddenly dying is harder for me than those in their 20’s and 30’s because they were adults who made the decisions for themselves. It’s sad, but these kids are so much worse. I’m seeing them now as young as 5 years old.

    Until we can at least ask questions there won’t be a large effort to see if the damage can be undone and maybe some of these people can be saved, but the longer they cover it up, the more that are certain to die.

    I know there are some doctors who are trying different things, but I don’t know for sure how successful they are.

  4. I’ll never be convinced otherwise but believe the jab cost me a grandson (still berth).

    If you have the stomach, over at The Burning Platform .com he’s been posting stuff DAILY for a couple of years now regarding the negative affects from the jab and the scamdemic. Really has been volumes of stuff…

  5. For those of us who told them to shove their death jabs up their rears, if the shedding doesn’t get us, they’ll make sure it’s in meat.
    I’m not too worried for myself because I don’t buy commercial meat. However, one thing I’ve always said is regardless of how bad it gets we know how to hunt and fish if all else fails and the bastards apparently want to shoot mRNA into wildlife as well.

    pjmedia: /news-and-politics/benbartee/2023/01/12/red-alert-pharma-plots-to-inject-livestock-with-mrna-vaccines-likely-to-end-up-in-food-supply-n1661277

  6. You can get your own coroner degree easy online in three easy steps..
    1, Search the internet for *sudden deaths
    2, Immediately pronounce the cause of death to be Pfizer’s fault
    3, Congratulations.. You’re a coroner now.

  7. Is this Anon Groucho?

    There are a few coroners who tell the truth, but most are the same as the majority of doctors and are afraid to tell the truth.

    Since though you’re probably on your 4th or 5th booster, you’d think you’d want the truth so just maybe they could come up with something that might reverse the damage you did to yourself.


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