18 y/o Tells Social Media She Was ‘Sexually Assaulted’ By Police… So Chief Releases Bodycam – IOTW Report

18 y/o Tells Social Media She Was ‘Sexually Assaulted’ By Police… So Chief Releases Bodycam

Blue Lives Matter: 

Burlington Police Chief Calls Out Logan Huysman For Lying About Arrest

Burlington, VT – 18-year-old Logan Huysman took to social media after her arrest, claiming that Burlington police sexually assaulted her. She even showed off bruises on her arms as proof. In response, Chief Brandon del Pozo released the bodycam footage which showed an impaired Huysman acting disorderly, assaulting police officers, and more (video below.)

Not only that, but Chief Brandon del Pozo even responded directly to the girl’s Facebook post, prompting a wave of outrage at the girl’s behavior which resulted in her deleting the post.  more here

30 Comments on 18 y/o Tells Social Media She Was ‘Sexually Assaulted’ By Police… So Chief Releases Bodycam

  1. Quote from the article: “The ACLU is not happy that the chief released facts about the case in order to counter lies spread by Logan Huysman, accusing him of using facts to “shut down conversations.”

    Tells you all you need to know about the ACLU and the progressive mindset. Facts can be the most inconvenient things, perception is reality.

    I often hear the phrase “Perception is reality” and it sickens me. Perception: A nice, peaceful quite road in the country surrounded by lovely trees, grass and bushes. Reality: The road is a mine field and is full of death for those who enter.

    Always strive to know the facts, it leads to better decisions.

  2. Based on the video, she is a typical Snowflake, believing that no once is supposed to touch you.
    No one told her that law enforcement will apply the proper amount of restraint on your person if given a reason. She gave them plenty of reason.
    Welcome to the real world sweetheart.

  3. The ACLU will soon be pushing for a ban on police dash and body cams. After a push to have such cameras to hold police accountable, they have, for the most part, succeeding in showing that police acted properly. And we can’t have that.

  4. Snowflake all the way–“You’re doing this because you’re a man!” “I have freedom of speech!” If I was her father, I would sue her schools for filling her head with this nonsense and for teaching her the police are the bad guys.

    I saw the entire video. I would have tazed her as soon as she started resisting arrest.

  5. I won’t comment on the incipent statement by the ACLU that would seem to erase most of the cornerstones that today’s law stands on in order not to hurt feelings of a drunken twat.

    Anyway, this girl needs to be prosecuted for her lies as well as any drunk and disordery, assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest etc as if it weren’t for body cams she could have destroyed the careers of several police officers to avoid admitting to Mom and Dad she drinks. An example needs to be made that hopefully will insprire young people in similar situations to make better decisions.

    As for the other little snowflake in the article that still feels intimidated by the chief of police because the chief engaged him like a human being I would wonder how he really feels about himself once the reporters go away and he’s sitting alone in a chair in the twilight.

  6. It is now official that every part of the human female’s body including the gasses she exudes are now considered to be sexual objects! Don’t look, don’t touch, don’t smell!

  7. @RacerX “I saw the entire video. I would have tazed her as soon as she started resisting arrest.”
    Yep, would have had her doing the worm all night.
    There is nothing civil or about liberty at the ACLU.
    “Show me the money!” Lawyers

  8. Good example of why not to nod out, phucked up, in your car in public.

    The cops will submit you to the court system to extract a lot of money from you.

    They get a solid arrest for their log sheet, the court makes bank on fines and probation fees (contracted out) and the probation supervision corporation does even better.

    The lawyer you hire has a boilerplate response to you and the court. He’s clearing 3K minimum for about 4 hours work. He don’t care one way or another, you are just ‘next’ rather than a human being.

    Actually, the system works just as designed. Be stupid in public, pay the man.

    It’s just that simple.

  9. Let me add a note about some cops. Notice I DIDN’T say Police Officers, who are a different sort of animal I have abundant respect for.

    This cop, saw a teenage driver that couldn’t come close to physically hurting him. She’d screwed up, no question about it. But now he sees about three hours out of his shift doing something that the department approves of (arrest and jail processing that chief’s like a lot), with no risk to him.

    He’s correct in his actions, there are clearly offenses that have taken place. Just like the ones he drives past with 250 lb black ex cons selling meth on a corner. But those guys, shit, they might have backup and if not just shooting you outright, will more than likely beat the shit out of a cop. It happens.

    So, let’s herd this snowflake into the county jail, and get home alive and unharmed at the end of the shift.

    No question of calling the parents, reading them the riot act, having the car impounded (which costs buttloads) and making the parents take her home.

    Yeah, that’s a cop.

    I know some cops (sadly), but I know many more Police Officers. I’m glad the latter are here.

  10. “The ACLU is not happy that the chief released facts about the case in order to counter lies spread by Logan Huysman, accusing him of using facts to “shut down conversations.”

    This. As soon as facts are introduced that prove a point, (in this case that there was no sexual assault) then there is no further need for conversation.

  11. If she *FELT* like she was sexually abused by the Police, then who could have the temerity to doubt?
    Isn’t this the whole point of that “shouldn’t blame the victim” bullshit we hear about every time some spoiled brat hasn’t gotten its way about something?
    If “truth” is amorphous, facts are more so.
    A lie isn’t a lie if it’s told in pursuit of a greater narrative, is it?

    So, as long as her lie perpetuates the myth which is close to the heart of all anti-cop, anti-American, anti-civilization, atheistic, nihilistic fuck-tards, it’s OK?

    I think the Chief overstepped the boundaries of politesse by allowing facts to interfere.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Makes me so glad every time I see a snowflake leftist caught in the very body cameras THEY insisted the police wear to record the brutality of the police against the idiot, elitist, progressive, snowflakes.

  13. My dad was a cop/police officer, whatever you want to call it (personally he was offended by cop and certainly by pig, although I don’t think he was ever called that to his 6’4″ 240 lb stature).
    In the late 60s-70s when he would come upon one of our friends with drugs on them, he’d call their parents or take them home and let them deal with them, THE FIRST TIME. Two strikes you’re out. He didn’t mind cutting them a break so they didn’t end up with a record, and possibly the parents would be made aware. But he wasn’t in the babysitting business, so you’d better make that break count and don’t be stupid in the future.
    Times have changed. Kids weren’t ballsy enough to talk back, much less physically attack cops. My dad wouldn’t have put up with her nonsense beyond 10 seconds, and I know he wouldn’t have chauffeured her ass home. He was of the mind, unruly, disrespectful kids are usually byproducts of what their parents tolerate, and would probably side with the kid.

  14. @Tim July 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    Tim-meh! Do you have plans for the next ten years? President Clinton (we haven’t decided which one, yet) needs a person like you! A man(nish) loyal citizen, who can provide cover — I mean leadership — as the Czar of Employment Harassment and Pay Inequity. You sound like just the person — if you choose to self-identify as a person — for the job. Please, send your resumé (just a formality, I assure you) to any “.ru” web address, and we’ll be pleased to offer you a position.

  15. Even an entitled shit for brains snowflake is capable of grabbing a cop’s gun in a struggle. For that reason alone, they should have gotten control of things way, way earlier.

  16. Video is incomplete. Sounds like the LEOs tried phoning the parents early on. Not clear what happened to the other two girls in the car. Passed out in the car at the Gas Mart, engine running. Smart.

    Conditioned and programmed by Hollywood and their Lefty snowflake high school teachers that police are The Enemy.
    But not really, because she stupidly has zero fear. She taunts them (as she probably has done to her parents all her short life) and then is astonished to be cuffed and arrested.

    The Left has stripped parents of all authority. She needs a real dose of belated remedial discipline. But just try it and the County will be in their living room in minutes.

    A waste. If she discovers meth she’ll be dead by 28. Heroin’s made a comeback so there’s that.

    The cops showed great physical restraint.

    The Left must be eradicated.

  17. The left coast of New England …. where Bensonhurst, Brooklyn’s Brandon del Pozer retired to become police chief of the largest snowflake petri dish in Vermont …. There’s been a sign at the border for decades inviting aliens to spawn without pause. Martinis with a twist of asteroid please.

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