19 Year-Old Girl Wants Media To Air Her Family’s Dirty Laundry – IOTW Report

19 Year-Old Girl Wants Media To Air Her Family’s Dirty Laundry

A father writes a letter to his daughter about her interracial relationship, saying he wants her out of the house for participating in a “vulgar, despicable and reprehensible act.”

She’s “disrespected the family in every way.”


It’s my belief that a daughter can disrespect her family in “every way” even if she goes out with certain white guys.

There are white people that are vulgar, despicable and reprehensible, and there are black guys who aren’t.

If you prefer your daughter to marry a white occupy douchenugget who embraces Bernie Sanders and smokes weed all day, rather than a black conservative professional, well.. I don’t know what to say.

The dude above..  I don’t have much faith that he’s a conservative professional. Just a hunch, I could be wrong.

Dad is free to believe what he wants to believe. The daughter airing this in public makes me think there is something else going on, and Nike (that’s the guy’s name) is being used in order to make dad’s head explode.


40 Comments on 19 Year-Old Girl Wants Media To Air Her Family’s Dirty Laundry

  1. She’s 19.
    She wants daddy to support her while she whores around.
    She should just move out, get a job so she can support herself and the idiot she is with and get a life.
    Her dad is doing her a major favor by shoving her out of the nest so that she can learn why there are cats hanging out in the yard below.

  2. The good news: A parent’s legal obligation to support a child in Texas ends at 18 or graduation from high school, whichever comes first. So if she has her diploma, Dad can kick her out of the house without any legal repercussions.

    I get the impression that this girl has been a handful for a while, and that the black boyfriend was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    It is mature of the young man to offer to break up with her. He at least seems to understand the relative importance of family vs. short-lived teenaged flings.

    And I agree with the Daily Mail commenter who said she’s too pretty for him. She’s cute. The guy, not so much.

  3. MJA I agree. I think it’s a stunt for attention and money (Go Fund Me, etc.)
    One of the things that is off is the letter. I can understand a parent typing it but not typing the signature “dad”. Really? All typed including the signature smells to me.

  4. Jeez, I feel sorry for the guy. He’s learning life is like a penis. Most of the time your just swinging free. And than a woman comes along and makes it hard.

    Wait, What?

  5. It’s a typed letter not written, so how do we know she didn’t just put it together herself? Sure the dad could have done it, but so could the daughter. Possibly looking for sympathy.

    The guy claims to break up w/ her because he doesn’t want to see her homeless. How about letting her move into your place?

    There has to be more to the story than what we are being told.

  6. Yikes. That guy, AKA the family drama pawn, has just been saddled with a host of issues. The least of which will turn out being ill-used by daddy’s little girl. Selectively editing out the parts that likely really hit home reflects her dishonesty.

    Dad has his own issues. Perhaps she should grow up, grow away, and come to terms with her family on her own, instead of – in the perfect 12 year old mentality – finding another human to use as a weapon.

  7. When she’s pregnant and Nike leaves her for a better baby mama, she will be looking for forgiveness and Daddy’s money again.
    However, she is the one who will have the life long responsibility for her poor decisions. If you read the CDC statistics, you’ll realize the odds in this situation are not in her favor……

  8. I just found beloved’s ( nikesmyrealname
    @itsnikeee_fr) twitter feed, wherein he states in his description “i got me a rida @st3phanie_hicks (: welcome to the mind of a real niggaa #freedchainz”

    Perhaps they deserve each other.

  9. Not Texas, or Apple now has a mirror app for taking selfies.
    I’m sure ‘Dad” (white guilt college prof) typed the note on a desktop, if she made it, we’d be looking a text from someone’s phone.

  10. Story is bogus.
    No way she has good enough credit to attract a black ‘mate’
    Wait until she makes a few car payments
    Then watch the players come around
    Until then her only credential is her willingness to put out

  11. All the images are mirror flipped on the DM page, and even this image above is flipped, just look at the backwards B on his hat. He’s on the left side of the car driving.

  12. Agree with everyone saying something’s fishy here.

    And also agree with Fur — I would rather my daughter date a conservative (no matter the color of his skin) than a deadbeat or lefty (no matter the color of his skin).

  13. What the father knows that the smug little cunt of a daughter of his doesn’t know is that in a year, her boyfriend will be long gone, and she will come slinking back home, and her parents will have to raise this kid on what was supposed to be their retirement savings, and the kid will probably end up being just like our shithead president, hating the white people who brought him up and worshiping the black shithead who abandoned him because it cut into his dope smoking and fucking other white women time. Because, as we all know, white people are evil and black people are fucking saints, spreading happiness wherever they go. South Chicago, Harlem, Camden, West Philadelphia, East St. Louis, Oakland, Compton, etc… Just look how happy everyone is there.

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