195 Million Chinese Students Are In School. Why Aren’t Our Kids? – IOTW Report

195 Million Chinese Students Are In School. Why Aren’t Our Kids?

Federalist: Right now in China, 195 million students K-12 are learning in-person in Chinese public schools. Meanwhile, millions of American public school students are learning in a failed remote system that can’t even keep track of thousands of students who haven’t shown up for class all year.  

In 2018, 15-year-olds in dozens of countries participated in the triennial Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The PISA test measures reading ability, math and science literacy, and other key skills. American scores are decidedly unimpressive, with students scoring in the middle of the pack for all categories. Most frighteningly, China beats the United States in every category.

While China does not test or educate every Chinese child like the United States does for its citizens, China’s affluent and middle-class areas also outperform affluent and middle-class U.S. areas. In addition, U.S. students underperform their peers in developed nations that also educate every child, such as Singapore and Germany.

In addition, over the last two decades U.S. students’ scores have remained virtually stagnant, while China continually does better and better every three years. In other words, China’s developed areas are out-performing us, and the gap is only getting bigger.  read more

13 Comments on 195 Million Chinese Students Are In School. Why Aren’t Our Kids?

  1. Yeah. Ask my nieces and nephews.

    About every one of them is borderline retarded.

    Ian, who is 9 right now, knew how to do long division when he was 7.

    Kayla, who is 23 or so, said, “Oh no, we never did long division. We used calculators.”

    “What so you do when the battery dies?”

    She shrugged.

    Then ask some dipshit like nephew Nathan about “A Christmas Carol”…

    “Can you even read a map?”

    “Maps? That’s, like, old shit.”

  2. Why? Because the commies keep heaping it on us like — as Sydney Powell quipped — it’s coming out of fire hose.

    VDH just did an article (or podcast) about chaos on top of chaos atop chaos. It’s their attempt to break us. Every family with school-aged children are suffering ALOT because it has thrown their lives into total and utter chaos.

  3. does it really matter in the long run? … our kids are about as dumb as a box of Post Toasties …. more mush in their brains, at this point, won’t make much difference

    this shamdemic only hastens the retardation

    …. coinciding w/ the Biden Bad Break …. someone’s in a really big hurry
    (maybe Soros is hearing the Devil knocking on his door & is all out of bargaining chips)

  4. And the “Reduce Everything” tenet of Mr Bib in 1987.

    “But this is a 64ths machine.”

    “Reduce it!”

    “Why the fuck would I reduce 4/64ths? That doesn’t make any sense. The very next thing I had to do was 3/64ths. What the fuck?”

    Why can’t 4/64ths be 4/64ths?

    “Oh no! You can’t do 4/64ths! It doesn’t exist!”

  5. Oh come on – we all know why.

    The ChiComms did more damage to our country by bribing our politicians than any nuke they ever built. We look to the obvious (obama, kerry, biden, pelosi, clinton) for corruption and treason. But look downstream: the Covid scam could not have worked without corrupt pieces of shit like fauci, william barr, etc in place.

  6. Just pass them onto the next grade and let the colleges sort them out.
    That is the way our education system works in the US.

    Then you go there and see the colleges offering up a degree in some useless crap.


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