1951 Daily Mirror – IOTW Report

1951 Daily Mirror

20 Comments on 1951 Daily Mirror

  1. S & M ladies might like it.

    How do the femi-liberals deal with a thing like that?

    Support it as sexual liberation or condemn it as part of the patriarchy?

    Then, adding more complexity, when a woman spanks a man is it sexually liberating or cruelty?

  2. All I can think of is the Nuns in Monty Python and the Holy Grail who say “Spank me, spank me.” One of my good friends 40 years ago got into a lot of trouble with one of the ex Catholic girls at our church when he was telling her about this, she was not amused. We thought it was hilarious.

  3. Who spanks the spankers when they get out of line?

    What a bunch of winners. That last guy may not get the respect he’s aiming for, but a plateful of arsenic instead… πŸ˜‰


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