1960: What Will Future Homes Look Like? – IOTW Report

1960: What Will Future Homes Look Like?

Nailed it! Sorta.

This film, made in the late 1960’s, tells what future homes will look like in the 21st century, or 2001 to be exact.

26 Comments on 1960: What Will Future Homes Look Like?

  1. Man, that jazz soundtrack…All of those old 60’s shows and documentaries used jazz. I guess it’s because the pre-rock Silent Generation was doing all of the production. They were flip, man.

    Sorry, I’ve been bingeing on “Route 66”. And Philip Johnson was a pompous ass, even way back then.

  2. Thanks for the laugh/wince combo.

    Laughing at the idea of telling the automated kitchen what to cook by means of punch cards. Wincing at the ignorant arrogance of the self-styled planners telling us how much better off we’d be if only we’d stuff ourselves into their little boxes.

  3. Cronkite was lying even about this.

    Imagine sitting on furniture like that and calling it comfortable and making sure a woman was in the kitchen making sammiches

  4. These productions held no allure for me as a kid in the 1960’s. My mind was busy trying to finagle my way back onto the ranches in Montana. My mind could not comprehend anyone willing to exist like that.

  5. Anyone remember the GE display at Disneyland Anaheim in the 60’s. IMHO, that was the closest anyone got to the future of today in that display. They displayed a computer-type tablet and the woman was talking to someone on the computer display (Skype, Zoom) technology. That was the future 40 years ago. Amazing how Disney had it down. Remember the monorail was the transportation of the future? Now we have BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) operated on the same principal of the monorail but 20-40 years later.

  6. JDHasty AUGUST 4, 2021 AT 2:38 PM
    “These productions held no allure for me as a kid in the 1960’s. My mind was busy trying to finagle my way back onto the ranches in Montana. My mind could not comprehend anyone willing to exist like that.”

    …you’re a better man than me. I too was unconcerned with future houses, but that’s because I had just hit puberty and was more concerned about trying to finangle my hand onto the bra containing Jill V’s budding breasts while the teacher had the lights down for the filmstrip.

    Which was not successful, in that particular case at that particular time, anyway, but with young men hope springs eternal…

  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Well didja at least drop your pencil in an attempt to look up her address? I remember Debbie M would have her skirt up around her waist by the time class was over. I think she was a bit of an exhibitionist.

  8. @Brad
    I want to create an app that tricks a phone into thinking it is at the most outrageous places on earth – top of Everest, Death valley in August, bottom of the Marianna trench, traveling at Mach 4. Imagine the spy’s scratching their heads…

  9. “Jethro AUGUST 4, 2021 AT 4:02 PM

    I want to create an app that tricks a phone into thinking it is at the most outrageous places on earth”

    With the phone’s location being triangulated from the nearest cellular towers that can communicate with the phone – that would be a good trick.


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