1960s Educated Blacks Discuss the Coming Influx of Uneducated Blacks – IOTW Report

1960s Educated Blacks Discuss the Coming Influx of Uneducated Blacks

ht/ jerry manderin

20 Comments on 1960s Educated Blacks Discuss the Coming Influx of Uneducated Blacks

  1. What kind of tribal wisdom have they brought to the table other than killing people? MLK is all they have to point to, and even he was accused of plagiarism.

    In 1991, authorities at Boston University appointed a panel of professors to investigate the allegations that King had plagiarized his doctoral thesis. The panel concluded that about one third of the thesis was clearly plagiarized. After considerable debate, nevertheless, university officials decided not to revoke the doctorate.

    They wouldn’t revoke it because he was their King of blacks who made it on other people’s backs.

    It’s best not to look at so-called “doctors” for wisdom. Oh, and he was a minista too. (My son calls them minista’s).

  2. I will not comply….
    I am the sand in the machine.

    You do you and I’ll do me….
    You try to force me to do things….
    that don’t make sense and are illogical….
    then we’ll have a problem.

  3. This is why black people should be so angry with the Democratic Party. It was the Democrats that lied to them, kept them on the plantation (for totally nefarious intentions), and kept them ignorant and dependent. The soft bigotry of low expectations, no prescient, and so descriptive of the evil “noblesse oblige” mentalities of the vile white liberal.

    It has long been said and demonstrated, black folk want the same things as white folk; opportunity, prosperity, an even playing field, but mostly for snooty white liberals to get the hell out of the way and to quit holding them back.

  4. What happened, LBJ and all the racists in the democrap party and the so called not so great society of the 60’s, that’s what happened. The democraps have always been the slave masters (and the enforcer of Jim Crow laws) before during and after the Civil War and ever since then. What else is new.

  5. What happened?
    We managed to dump a large number of big mouth, single-wide trailer trash women, when they became “Mud-Sharks”… Bless the Negro’s for taking them off our hands and may God show mercy on them.

  6. Educated blacks who ran businesses in the the black community were encouraged to sell their businesses and become token black faced managers in predominately white companies. The black owners would look at a surly black teenager and think “That was me.” The Asian owners who bought the shops from the black owners look at black surly teens and think “Trouble.” This cut off the bottom rung for advancement just like raising the minimum wage does.

  7. What happened? Exactly what these Middle to Upper Middle class LA black Americans feared – high crime, a welfare state, drugs, the deterioration of black communities as lower class black people moved “up North”.

    Also, at the time Middle class blacks didn’t expect liberals making matters worse by implementing leftist policies, so they were blindsided and had no way of stopping or slowing the migration.

    This happened to many black communities in the sixties, but it started much earlier. In my little home town in Illinois, The great migration of Southern blacks to the North took place in the thirties and my family had the same reaction as the LA black Middle class who were proven to be right. There was just to much of a culture difference between these classes for any relatability. Not uncommon throughout history for all kinds of ethnicities.

    As you can guess the number of Middle class blacks in these communities were overwhelmed and moved out of the area that had lots of new “residents”. Blight soon occurs.
    It’s just the way it is. Uneducated, low skilled people don’t enhance society or increase productivity and prosperity.

  8. BTW, during the sixties a Marxist called Martin Luther King Jr- a FBI operative convinced black Upper Middle and Middle class to become socialists. Churches were the target.

    Some who follow the Christian faith can be gullible and easy to deceive because they don’t know the whole Gospel. The left takes advantage of their ignorance.

    Most Christians ignore the scriptures warning of wolves in sheep’s clothing and how the devil desires to dine on souls without knowing God.
    Turning the other cheek was turned into sit-ins/passive resistance. A bastardized version of the scripture.

    That’s how so many Christians in the sixties fell under the spell of a reprobate like MLK Jr. Nothing much has changed.

  9. 99th- your perspective is much appreciated. And, yes. I agree. I have as much in common with uneducated low-class white people as educated black people have with uneducated blacks.

  10. @99th

    Cold hard facts are a hard pill to swallow, especially when the concern for maintaining the appearance of proper behavior is paramount. The metaphorical beatings will continue until that behavior is eradicated.

  11. “And, yes. I agree. I have as much in common with uneducated low-class white people as educated black people have with uneducated blacks.”

    Interestingly enough, the very same thing occurred during the Dust Bowl and their destination was Southern California. And yes most of them where white.


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