1975 – IOTW Report


20 Comments on 1975

  1. The video tells quite the story.


    “Man with a gun, repeat, man with a gun.”

    :SWAT team responds by driving randomly all over the city. Finally arrives on scene:

    “There he is!”

    “Well screw this, I don’t need a gun, I’ma wrastle that feller”

    :perp shot:

    “Gee, what was his deal?”

    “Some people just don’t like the metric system.”

  2. “….with the President declaring peace with honor….in other news, a local man was shot by the police after a tense standoff and struggle with the armed suspect.

    Ryan Felchly,37, was shot with a single round by a police marksman after a tense struggle with the police in which one officer decided to “wrastle the suspect” like a “Hun out of the sun.”

    “No one else was injured and the investigation is ongoing.”

  3. Ah yes, 1975. Great year for me. Wasn’t watching much TV though.

    I had stopped watching TV shows about 3 years earlier. I would be the weak link in a trivia game about TV shows past 1971.

    Sports, bikes, cars, and girls, ya know.

    No cable TV for me. Waste of money.

  4. I liked “Adam 12” back in the day too.

    Also liked “Emergency!” from the same era, even more now that I know enough to criticize, albeit by standards of 15 or so years later.

    …oddly, my commentary does not seem to be appreciated by the fam, go figure, bunch of haterz or summat…

  5. That instrumental was one of my favorite jams. In the a groove, man! Only squares said “groovy” where I hung out (careful now-)
    Also, big year for me. I graduated High school in 1975.


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