1979 Time Magazine Article on Islam – IOTW Report

1979 Time Magazine Article on Islam

Read about it HERE.

Excerpts and commentary from Freedom Outpost-

“We Muslims are one family even though we live under different governments and in various regions.” – Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran’s revolution

In writing this article, the editors have attempted to draw a picture of Islam for what it really is, “a way of ordering society.”

Time magazine quoted the Cairo’s magazine, Al Da’wah (The Call): “The Muslims are coming, despite Jewish cunning, Christian hatred, and the Communist storm.”

“Islam is a political faith with a yearning for expansion,” said Marguerite Johnson.

Time magazine assumed that this alleged revival had taken place for decades because “Islam is no Friday-go-to-mosque kind of religion. It is a code of honor, a system of law and an all-encompassing way of life.”

Marvin Zonis is quoted that “Islam is being used as a vehicle for striking back at the West, in the sense of people trying to reclaim a very greatly damaged sense of self-esteem. They feel that for the past 150 years the West has totally overpowered them culturally, and in the process their own institutions and way of life have become second rate.”


I think the left has the Manson plan in mind, the one where he would create a race war and then rise in the ashes to rule the country.

The left will use Islam to destroy the west and then ethnically cleanse Muslims, leaving the left in control.

ht/ fdr in hell

14 Comments on 1979 Time Magazine Article on Islam

  1. If the left is using Islam to destroy the West, doesn’t that make the left ultimately the real enemy? Evidently they will use anything in order for the left to gain power and control over the World and all it’s people. I despise both Islam and the left but I think the left is worse.

  2. I met an Iranian in 1979.
    He said something I remember to this day.
    His family lived in Iran and they had connections to the DNC.
    He said that his ‘People’ were someday going to conquer the West and they had a long range plan rule the World.

    1979. Think about that.

  3. The left will use Islam to destroy the west and then ethnically cleanse Muslims, leaving the left in control.

    The Muslims are the only ones willing to solve the problem of “the left”. (As opposed to keeping the throne warm, while saying it’s not their turn. Until they say it is their turn, again.) Communalists, Muslims, or Quislings? If I’ve actually got a choice — the Quislings ain’t it.

  4. Good one here’s another June 12, 1970 Life page 26D and on page 27 there’s photo of “palestinians” with young boys in a tent with Che Guevara poster. Here the muzlims are using the Marxist for inspiration or is it for cover?
    See Google Books as link maybe too long to post. The pal tiger cubs training in Jordan are on the cover. “Soldiers of a phantom nation on the march” is the article in LIFE.

  5. @Jimmy April 14, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    > Muslims seem to breed males who are willing to fight while we’re now breeding soy boys who drink oxytocin straight out of a bottle.

    But, @Jimmy! The West, Judaeo-Christianity, Free Market Capitalists, are all (gender non-specific) willing to hire people to kill for them. As long as there’s a split of the loot. (Management gets first dibs, of course.) Some are even willing to kill people. For the loot. That’s gotta count for something! (In fiat, transnational currency, of course.)

  6. …why is Radical Islam ALWAYS the legacy of Radical Socialist Democrat Presidents?

    …Jimmy Carter would have done everything “Obama” did and more, but he didn’t have the protective coloration to get away with it…

  7. This has been going on for 1400 years without success. The twist lately in the last few decades is that they have the backing of oil and other countries trying to destroy the West. Simply put, I think China and Russia are trying to rape the West using muzlims as the dick!

  8. @grool April 14, 2019 at 4:45 pm

    > With what?

    With devastating repartee. Superior verbal intellect. And, if all else fails, the disapproving stink eye.

    Cower deplorable! Cower!

  9. Khomeini gave his people (men) instructions on what to do with animals after they have sex with them. Even his instructions were deceitful. Rotten bastard.


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