1985 Video of Sanders Loving Him Some Communist Regimes – IOTW Report

1985 Video of Sanders Loving Him Some Communist Regimes

He loves Castro and Nicaragua, and seems to detest Reagan.

Castro gave the kids healthcare and education, what’s not to love?

The proof that the Cubans love Castro, for Sanders, is that there isn’t a rebellion.

People trying to float their way over from Cuba on top of a refrigerator door, that’s not a rebellion of sorts?

Athletes defecting during the 7th inning stretch is not a rebellion?

And, what exactly are they going to rebel with? Pop Tarts bitten into the shape of a gun? There are no guns, or Pop Tarts.

Bernie Sanders is the hole in the ass.

7 Comments on 1985 Video of Sanders Loving Him Some Communist Regimes

  1. He stinks like dogshit, you can tell. I don’t know the exact verse count, but I t sounds like a Haiku. Anyone I’ve ever spoken to, originally from Cuba was glad to be here. Bernie’s flashing back from some potent back in the day Kool Aid.

  2. This may not be a popular opinion, but I don’t think we should criticize Sanders too much. If anything, just the opposite. I mean, who would YOU rather see as the Democratic nominee – Bernie or Hillary…?


  3. said it before….I’ll say it again…Sanders is a distraction…a light-weight for the Hilldabeast to pretend she’s knocking down the strawman….while all the time he’s there to give her a pass…..next debate he’ll excuse her for Benghazi….after that? who knows? Cattle Futures? TravelGate? ….. on & on….

  4. Bernie Sanders is a Red-Diaper baby! Someone needs to make this into a commercial and play it round the clock! Oh and his prediction about the Nicaraguans not rising up? Well they voted the Frente Sandinista out of office back in 1990. Then they voted them back in in 2006 (I think). Bernie is the uncle that no one will stand up to and tell him to PhU$*k 0##! Had one of those in my family and he died of Cirrhosis of the liver back in 1991.

  5. Free! Free! Free!
    I’m so miserable and don’t know why.
    Need lots of drugs to cope.
    But wait…I can’t pay for it, I don’T have a job and I don’T want to have to work..so..free! Free! Free!

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