1986 Video of Sanders shows him “Very Excited” For Castro’s Cuban Revolution – IOTW Report

1986 Video of Sanders shows him “Very Excited” For Castro’s Cuban Revolution

Video: @BernieSanders, University of Vermont, 1986, recalls his excitement watching Castro’s revolution “rising up against the ugly rich people.” & his sick feeling watching JFK speak out against communism in Cuba.

Also bashes the @nytimes for lying about communism.

15 Comments on 1986 Video of Sanders shows him “Very Excited” For Castro’s Cuban Revolution

  1. Election ad writes itself. Half the screen shows Sanders talking how excited he was at Castro’s revolution while the other side shows the bodies of the tens of thousands of men, women and children summarily executed without trial by Castro, Che and the others eliminating any and all opposition voices.

  2. Scr,

    That is what I’am talking about! Maybe add “it’s a shame those poor victims of Bernie’s shared dreams of socialism did not have the right to bear arms”.

  3. This is what comes from eight years of Fundamental Transformation under Osmidgen. Communism is now nothing to be concerned with, because it’s just an extreme form of socialism. It’s not ever going to go all the way to outright communism. Just better “free stuff” paid for by the undeserving wealthy. There is little difference between Bernie Sanders’ attitude towards Castro’s Cuba in 1986 and Ocommie’s attitude when he restored relations with the Castro Brothers, just several decades of deliberately ignoring the complete failure and horrific results of communism in Cuba.

  4. LCD – Yup. When you can’t compete in the arena of ideas, productivity and Capitalism (that’s too haaaaaard) you simply take the path of least resistance and drag everybody down to their lowest level of suck and guess whut? Even a frickin moron looks good (or at least that whut everybody has to say in their Communist Lock-Step Group-Think or they wind up dead!)

    Communist Lock-Step Group-Think…. Hmmmmmm where have we seen that before?
    Oh yeah… in the Marxist Muzlim Mallard’s administration!

  5. Since Bernie was born in 1941 and was 18 when Castro took over Cuba maybe he did have a boner for Castro and commies in general back then. Was Castro the centerfold in Commie boy magazine that he could pound his pud to. His pecker probably leans to the left just like Slick Willie’s does

  6. In the old days this dude would have been beaten with a stick right there in the Capitol. And had he returned he would have been beaten again, and “I shallange you to a duel with horsepistols!”

  7. I think Bernie is Woody Allen in reality.
    ‘The Sleeper’
    A nerdish store owner is revived out of cryostasis into a future world to fight an oppressive government.

    When a bumbling old fool is dumped by his activist girlfriend (Obama), he travels to a tiny part of the nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.


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