1998 Impeachment Speech By Pelosi – ‘the republicans hatred of Clinton is causing the country to suffer’ – IOTW Report

1998 Impeachment Speech By Pelosi – ‘the republicans hatred of Clinton is causing the country to suffer’

Whatever the left is doing or saying about their opposition, they are projecting past behavior or future behavior. The hypocrisy is thicker than the Lee section of a Korean phonebook.

Pelosi – Today the republican majority is not judging the President Clinton with fairness, but impeaching him with the vengeance.

In the investigation of the President, fundamental principles which Americans hold dear, privacy, fairness, checks and balances have been seriously violated.

And why?

As we are here today, because the republicans in the House [of Representatives] are paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton. And until the republicans free themselves of this hatred our country will suffer.

See the video of it HERE. (Pelosi was even a mumble mouth in 1998)

ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on 1998 Impeachment Speech By Pelosi – ‘the republicans hatred of Clinton is causing the country to suffer’

  1. It will never stop.We will face another
    4 years of dems relentless attacks on
    our prez.How come we never hear about
    Stormy,Muller and Avasnotti ??? Did the
    dems and these circus clowns ever apologize
    for the pain they caused and the money the tax
    payers lost ???

  2. And the biggest difference is that Bubba DID lie, and he did make himself vulnerable to blackmail because he DID ‘have sexual relations with that woman” !

    OTOH, President Trump did not collude with the Russians to throw the election, but 0bola and his wickedly dirty FBI DID toil hard to throw the election.

    Throw Pelosi in a woodchipper already, would ya

    None of this is funny in the least!

  3. I get so tired of these people. They are soft, to hard-core, America-hating communists and continue to beat America with bruises. Their existence embarrasses me when visiting other countries. Sometimes, it feels as though we are 20 – 50 years behind 1990’s Russia.

  4. the 1998 comments may or may not be hypocritical. As i recall the bill clinton investigation resulted in 12 crimes. the trump investigation resulted in 0 crimes. in fact the crimes that trump is accused of commiting, may result in many or crimes coming to light committed by democrats. the democratic party’s agenda is simply accuse of crime, force investigation, try to impeach, accusation is proven false, then make up a new crime, force investigation, try to impeach, accusations is proven false ………


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