1st Amendment Audits – IOTW Report

1st Amendment Audits

I’ve been watching a lot of these lately. Even though I agree with what they do and the service they provide and the educations they impart, some of the auditors are annoying (probably intentionally.)

My favorite is SeanPaul Reyes, AKA: Long Island Audit.

He is very respectful, has the law down cold, and he is very funny, as well.

A quick overview of what a 1st Amendment auditor does –

They are civilians who test law enforcement to see if they know the law, are abusing their power, and if they are tyrants.

Sean typically goes to public buildings and begins videoing with his camera. Invariably some government dipwad will tell him, erroneously, that videoing in a government area is illegal. Sometimes they will claim it is “private property.” When he reminds them that government buildings are public spaces and he will not stop filming they call the police. That is when we get to see how ignorant and tyrannical some police officers are.

15 Comments on 1st Amendment Audits

  1. @BFH

    I love these as well. I would recommend NC Tyrannt Hunter, Bay Area Transparency, and Press NH Now.

    First Amendment audits have opened my eyes over the years to how lazy/corrupt many cops are and the ignorance the average citizen possesses in not understanding their rights.

    Our civil rights are like muscles, they must be exercised regularly.

  2. Jethro, search YouTube for ‘armed fisherman.’
    Guy is in Fla. where it is legal to open carry when fishing or going to fish. So he walks down street with pole and tackle box strapped with AR and uploads his audits.

  3. Fur, you might also like Inland Auditing Media for many of the same reasons that you like Sean-Paul. I’m also fond of Auditing Erie County, Accountability for All, and Craig Hendry, among others.

  4. The 5’-0” female Sargent quota-hire is a perfect example of what is wrong with police today. She would be absolutely useless is a physical confrontation. And she was the cop in charge. Watch the video of the J6 guy the FBI arrested earlier this week. 7 male agents and one female agent hovering around the perimeter. Equal pay my ass.

  5. @Tony R

    It’s worse than that. Generally speaking (yes, there are a few exceptions) the average beat cop does not want a female as his beat partner. He knows that if things go south, he is on his own. He does not want her backing him up on his stops or investigations because she will over-compensate and escalate things unnecessarily.

    But he can’t say anything to anyone because she will most likely be his boss someday, the result of the ubiquitous affirmative action promotion.


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